The cone of silence

One of the great props in tv comedy history, if not the greatest.


It was the best. A honorable mention was Max's shoe phone. Especially the fact that it was a rotary phone. He must have had tiny little fingers.



...or really big feet!




Sadly the Cone's appearance was mostly limited to the show's first two seasons, probably because they felt the gag was becoming too repetitive. It appeared 7 times in Season 1 and 3 times in Season 2. The COS itself didn't appear at all in Season 3, being replaced once by the "closet of silence" when the COS was on loan to the CIA, and by the "umbrella of silence" during a scene at British Control. The Cone made it's final appearance of the series in the Season 4 episode, "A Tail of Two Tails" and did not appear at all in Season 5. Different versions of it were seen in "The Nude Bomb", "Get Smart Again", and the 2008 movie with Steve Carell. I can't remember whether or not it made an appearance in the 1995 Get Smart series.


I also liked Max's 'gun phone' from "Ship of Spies".


This is a late reply but he Cone of Silence makes a brief appearance/comment in the 1995 Get Smart series. Max and 99 are in bed talking and Max makes a statement to the effect that he bought it at a Control garage sale and hung it over the bed because he talks in his sleep. I don't remember if he actually uses it, though, I only saw the episode once when it was originally on.

He who fights and runs away, lives to run away again!


It also makes an appearance in the 1989 reunion movie. As you said, it hangs over the Smart's bed, and they use it whike talking over a case...(Max has been recalled). It still didn't work.

How sad, that you were not born in my time, nor I, in yours.


""A Tail of Two Tails""

You mean 'A TALE of Two Tails'? 'Tail of a tail' makes no sense, 'tale of a tail' makes sense.


Corrective necro-posting. Good job. You handed him a gold coin. He only had to wait 8 years for this payoff.

"You mean 'A TALE of Two Tails'?"

You mean "You mean 'A TALE of Two Tails?'" The punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks.

I only wish I had waited 8 years too.




I always got a kick out of the invisible bulletproof wall in Max's apartment that would shield him from the bad guys. Of course he was always on the wrong side when it came down!


And then he would walk right into it.


