the movie sucked!

watched it because i heard Joe Wright (Pride and Prejudice, Atonement) likes David Lean and i couldn't believe how bad it was!
i hope the guy's other movies are better than this, otherwise it's also sad his name sounds like Lynch. i mean... to confuse those two, sad. :D


I kinda agree with the OP, while i respect the classic style of filmmaking and the epic genre's back then, somehow it's just really hard to watch a film that's based on historical events acted out by english speaking -often brits- playing russians... it just takes away any significance and makes it hard to enjoy. I would have appreciated the film if it was acted out by REAL ruskies, with subtitles. That would have been genuine. I can bet that a well done remake that had REAL ruskies playing the roles would be amazing. The film also doesn't do justice to the setting. It makes russia look waay too good.

while OP's "this movie sucked" title is opinionated and not really true (i've seen movies that actually suck, i.e. anything Uwe Bolle has shat out) this definitely wasn't that. But to the people who are claiming this is the best movie ever made.. that may be your opinion but - sorry this is not by any means.


Got what you wanted TROLLER!!!!


It's not one of my favorites, but I certainly don't think it's a bad movie. However I do prefer David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia and Bridge on the River Kwai quite a bit.


Suck yourself


Troller douchebag


it is a pretty dull. Story, but the book on which it is based seems to be pretty dull too. I. Don't think much could have been done to make it better.


I totally agree. I had heard so much about the movie. One Sunday, this past winter, I was cooped up at home and saw TCM was showing it from 3:00-6:30pm. It was down time anyway, so I decided to cross "See Dr. Zhivago" off my Bucket list.

OMG. I was mystified as to why this is such a legendary film. Of all of David Lean's films, this is really the weakest. I really like Bridge on the River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia, and Ryan's Daughter.

The way I figure it, Dr. Zhivago is the favorite film of the following people:

(1) diehard fans of Omar Shariff
(2) diehard fans of Julie Christie
(3) people who have never seen snow

Never say never...
