MovieChat Forums > Doctor Zhivago (1965) Discussion > You guys realize Julie Christie is the m...

You guys realize Julie Christie is the most beautiful woman ever right?

I've watched a lot of movies in my 40+ years, and no woman compares to Julie Christie in this film. Sure a lot of women are stunning- Rita Hayworth in her day, Liz Taylor some years later, and in the the modern era with the likes of Halle Berry, etc.

But the combination of looks, elegance, attractiveness and intangibles puts Julie Christie above the rest. My goodness she is unreal.


Which is why I rate this movie a little higher than it probably deserves.

"I'm just as sentimental as the next fella when it comes to old times.....old times".


I have realized this since seeing Doctor Zhivago when I was a lad of 13 (at the local theater). When a friend came over to see if I could play, my mother replied "He's gone to see Doctor Zhivago." The friend asked, "Why? What's wrong with him?" True story.


Even though I'm not a guy, I have to agree with you! I also saw her in "Away from her" just last year, and even though in her sixties, she's still unbelievably beautiful.


I just got thru this 1st time in 1080 on HDNM.
She is very stunning. Seen alot of movies too...most beautiful is so intangible if you will. Makeup, acting, the moon phase, a number of drinks, how someone is promoted. Tough call. I'll give you top 100 I've ever seen.

"I believe in coincidences, I just don't trust them." Source debatable.


While Christie is very beautiful, I wouldn't say she is the most beautiful.

" So you built the BATCAVE underneath ALCATRAZ "...Dr.Diego Soto


Not only is Christie beautiful - but she is a terrific oscar winning and several times nominated actress.



It's been a (one-way) love affair for me since seeing a picture of her in PLAYBOY (portrait, not nude) back in 1974.


A friend of mine worked in a major NYC bookstore in the 70s. One evening, while working with his back to the customer counter, someone said, "Excuse me." He turned and saw, bathed in the evening's amber light, Julie Christie smiling at him. He said he was dumbstruck - he'd never seen anyone so beautiful. I've had that image of her, orange-yellow light illuminating her blond hair like an aura, in my head ever since.


I cannot agree at all.

Miss Christie has an unfortunate lower lip which resembles that of a sheep.

And also unfortunately, her clothing and grooming in this film are so anachronistic. She looks like some Brigitte-Bardot-1960s-Sexpot.


Her eyes are killer!


Her eyes are killer!

Her eyes are the key as to why most men find Julie stunning, I would think. Her face overall isn't really what I would call beautiful in the conventional sense, but those eyes! I can understand why Yuri could be totally enraptured by her, even with an attractive and faithful wife waiting at home for him.

No blah, blah, blah!



Not even the most beautiful woman in the movie.

"Do you know what lies at the bottom of the mainstream? Mediocrity!"




