What A Gem!

I adore this movie! It is so much fun and a great movie to watch late in the evening with nothing to do. I would love to see it performed on the stage, and I hope to read the play soon.

Keep a thing for seven years and you'll find a use for it.- Irish Proverb


I would love to see it onstage too! I'm not normally a Neil Simon fan, but this film is positively delightful. I was kind of depressed when I started watching it, but two hours later, I'm in a great mood. This is an excellent tonic.


fonda might be called hyper active neuortic today
but she justs goes and fires you right up
her best movie ever..


I love her in this role but my favorite Jane Fonda part ever was Fun with Dick and Jane - another one I can watch over and over and over...


...I first saw it on TCM about three years ago and also adore this movie...it's one of my favorites movies of the sixties...


Neil Simon is a genius-his scripts could not be bettered.


This is Neil Simon's best play, best adaptation.... and may be, one of the best film comedies of all time!

Nearly every line is a classic and the acting is pitch-perfect. Mildred Natwick in particular is a real stand-out.

10 stars.

"the best that you can do is fall in love"


Yeah, I like it too.

It's disappointing that Robert Redford made so few comedies in his career. He's really good in this film.

"Now what kind of man are YOU dude?"


Yeah I wish redford had made more comedies too. His drunken shenanigans at the very end of the film was quite brilliant.



As many times as I have seen this movie, I still crack up over everyone walking up the steps and walk in the New York apartment close to death due to the steps.
Mildred Natwick stole the show every scene she was in.
