A Homophobic Remark?

Anyone notice the homophobic remark the Robert Redford made when he's talking all about the Weirdo Tenants that live there like the same sex couple that lives in 1B?,that's sounded homophobic, i think that's how thing's were in 1967,they won't use that kind of homophobic writing today, just wondering who notice it

"I gotta get somewhere in this world. I just gotta"


I noticed the same thing. However, I don't know if the remark he made was against the fact that the neighbors were homosexuals or that no one could figure out what gender they were.


Thank God times change.

BTW, did anyone notice Billie Bird (Grandma in Sixteen Candles) as the drunk man's wife?


Get over it.



Too bad times have changed. There is nothing wrong with what he says in the film. It is not the norm.


Yes....it IS the norm. Your BIGOTRY IS NOT!


I thought he couldn't decide if they were men, women, animals, werewolves....


He thought all of the neighbors were crazy, it wasn't just the same sex couple, although for its time, that wasn't near as popular a thing as it is today.


I always interpreted this remark as sexist rather than homophobic. I though that he was disturbed by a beatnik/hippie couple who both had long hair and wore unisex clothes.


If you're looking for non-PC stuff in mainstream, well-respected films, nothing's better (or is it worse?) than Mickey Rooney's Japanese landlord in Breakfast at Tiffany's!

--The important thing is Post-its.-- M. Scorsese


It jarred with me a bit but times were different and those kind of remarks would not cause controversy like they would today.


LOL too funny.

There is nothing wrong with what he says. Then or now. The two ppl looked very much a like. He made a comment that he couldnt tell them apart. Who cares.

Anyone who gets worked up about what was said is overly emotional and simple.


There's no such thing as "sexism" or "homophobia". Those are just Orwellian thought stoppers the left made up because they don't have arguments.



There are plenty of people who fear homosexuality, they think it is a sin and will send us into moral decline and anarchy, they compare it to rape and murder.

There are also plenty of men who fear homosexual men that is why they beat the crap out of them just for standing there.

I'd say that behaviour can be classified as homophobia.



I find it hilarious that our society is now so PC-obsessed that we pick up on throwaway remarks in films made 42 years ago...I'm just waiting for someone to self-righteously point out that the reclusive neighbour should have been recycling his cans, not leaving them in the hall.


Well, I'd complain if my neighbor was leaving cans in the hallway like that. Normal people would put them in the their trashcan and when the bag is full take the bag downstairs to the dumpster or wherever. Nothing to do with recycling.


Homo I think mean same

homosexual liking same sex

so homophobic should ne an unrational fear of anything similar


How is that homophobic? Since you didn't include the whole quote, I think he was saying the fact that you couldn't tell what sex they were was why he considered them weirdos.


You're kidding, right? I never gave it a second thought...it was hilarious!

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Absolutely, I thought it was brilliant line. Hilarious then and hilarious now.


Old movies contain a lot of dialogue that today, would seem politically incorrect. This is the first time you've NOTICED this?


piquebu is quite right. I'm amazed at the number of modern film viewers who expect films made decades ago to be in accordance with contemporary values, rather than realizing "the norm" was very different in the past. Not only that, it'll be very different in the future, and a lot of values that are considered cutting edge & morally pure right now may seem horribly antiquated in, say, 2050.
