A Homophobic Remark?

Anyone notice the homophobic remark the Robert Redford made when he's talking all about the Weirdo Tenants that live there like the same sex couple that lives in 1B?,that's sounded homophobic, i think that's how thing's were in 1967,they won't use that kind of homophobic writing today, just wondering who notice it

"I gotta get somewhere in this world. I just gotta"



If you watch carefully, when Jane Fonda moves in, you see a couple coming out that look both like women, then you notice that one is clearly a man. It was obviously a joke of the time just before the hippy era, that gender roles had started to become more fluid. I think that was the joke, and it was not homophobic.



Cut out the "homophobic" crap! Phobic means fear. There was no fear involved.


well ... of course it was like that back then
I think it was amazing to include this seeing it was 1967
bravo to Neil Simon!


Everybody notices it today, because everybody has been trained to be a language fascist, for which we're permitted the delusion that this makes us superior to the past.


The OP was written about 40 years after the movie came out so get over it. Times change.


At the time you posted this the movie was 39 years old. Frankly I'm surprised that you're surprised that people had different attitudes in previouis generations. If they ever get around to building a time machine you better brace yourself for a rude awakening if you visit the past.


There is nothing wrong with having a negative view on homosexuality.
