Austin Powers

This seems to be Mike Myers favorite Bond movie?

"Oh, what have I drunk?" - Socrates


I'm assuming you're saying that because Dr. Evil resembles Blofeld in YOLT and in the 2nd film he hides out in a volcano? Perhaps, although there are tons of references to all of the 60s Bonds in the AP series.


The biggest influence is clearly YOLT though, it's arguably the worst Bond movie because the protagonist was crap and 'phoned it in', Donald Pleasance sounded like he was impersonating Dr Evil (did he have a premonition of the 90's?), the premise was absurd (a spaceship-eating spaceship?), the plot was absurd ("first we marry you off and train you for mission!"), it was really the first Bond movie that made a fool out of 007. He went from being a fantastic spy to being a clumsy Dan Dare/Joe 90 who happens to get in to the right places at the right time. Dr NO-era Bond was dead after just 5 years.

I think without this movie there would have been no Austin Powers, because this movie with the 'trapdoor to the piranhas' and the armies of 'colour-coordinated henchmen' gave Mike Myers a platform.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


Austin Powers was just a revival of the spy spoof which originated soon after Bond. You had the Matt Helm movies, with Dean Martin, the Derek Flint films, with James Coburn, Casino Royale (the 60s one, not the Craig film) and some others. They were as much an influence. You also have the anti-Bond, in the Harry Palmer series, with Michael Caine. Those were a big influence on Austin's look and are why Caine turned up in the third, as Powers' father.

As far as being crap, it's a matter of opinion. It was massively successful and was one of the most popular Bonds of the era, after Goldfinger. It influenced a ton of movies, tv shows and comic books.

I love the film. Ken Adams' sets are fantastic, the directing by Lewis Gilbert (who directed the Guns of Navarone) kees things lively and suspenseful, it has a nice exotic 9for the time) location, and a great set of characters. I found Pleasance's performance to be just fine.

Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!


that was something i was thinking too as i re watched this, so much is similar to the austin powers franchise, didn't even blofeld escape the same way at the end of this as dr. evil in austin powers, you can almost confuse these two movies with each other, it's funny how it is said here that the austin powers flicks are more like bond than the current bond flicks being made today, i guess mike myers grew up during these movies, personally i grew up during brosnan's but they bored the hell out of me so i just looked at connery's and moore's instead, which i understand the common opinion is regardless of your age, someone younger i know is just as bored by dalton and don't even know who lazenby is and think the current guy sucks, but view moore and connery as the coolest, and as a kid i thought the austin powers movies would just keep coming as the bond movies have, but the austin powers streak seemed to hit a halt at the third movie (which was way less funnier than the first two, and didn't include elizabeth hurley). something strange in these are the kind of speeded up scenes, usually during some fighting, a re occurring thing in this franchise is bond, already a tall fella, fighting some bigger guy, like here, "never say never again" and "for your eyes only" for example, most notably "jaws" in two movies (the spy who loved me and moonraker). funny how many topics on this board seem to revolve around first time viewers of the bond franchise, like if blofeld dies at the end when he in fact returns in the direct upcoming two movies.

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set an outdoor barbecue for you and me,
when the sun was high yard you walked in,
i was nowhere to be found along came a bee,
buzzing around until through your hair came a breeze,
when from steak you took a bite heard an ouch,
as you freaked out ant climbed in your purse,
im a transformer cant get enough being in your world.


"Men come first. Women come second."

"Or sometimes not at all."

He definitely cribbed a lot from this one.


Austin Powers uses a lot from YOLT. Bald main villain. Ridiculous lair. Sumo (Fat Bastard)


I think the fact that this particular film was the primary influence for an entire series of successful parody films demonstrates how good it actually is, and also how familiar audiences are with the source material. On the other hand, how would Mike Myers or some other comedian parody the shitty Craig era? Would the lead character just sit around in a dark room crying for 3+ hours while nothing happens? That's all there would be to do if someone attempted to adapt that source material in any way.
