I Don't Get It

I am completely baffled as to why this series has become "iconic." I simply don't get it.

Don't get me wrong. I watched the series mid-way through its first run, and regularly
in reruns in the mid-'70's. But I can't, for the life of me, sit through it now. Why? Because
while it's a cute show for kids, I don't think the series has - or EVER had - any appeal for
adults. And that's fine, as it was not meant to. As Florence Henderson said, it was told
from the kids' point of view. So, I'm not among those who trash this sweet little show; I
just don't get why full-grown adults watch and comment on such a kiddie show.

The reason I came to post this baffling question (which has baffled me for years) is that
I read that the house (one-story, but that's another thread) is for sale. Apparently, it
is the SECOND MOST PHOTOGRAPHED HOUSE IN THE U.S. (after the White House).

But why????????? How on earth would that even be possible? I get that most TV show
exteriors used backlot facades, and this house can be easily accessed, but WHY would
so many people care??? I've lived within twenty miles of this house ALL OF MY LIFE, and
even as a kid, watching and enjoying the series, I never had even a REMOTE interest
in this house! Furthermore, if it's the second most photographed house, that would mean
that most of the people photographing it, would be TOURISTS!

Maybe I'm wrong, and most of the posters here are kids, but if most are, say, over 40,
why so much interest in this bland show?

I love reruns, too (and several current shows on Netflix), but the shows I watch - "I Love
Lucy", "Mary Tyler Moore", "Rhoda", "All in the Family", "The Honeymooners" - appeal to
either adults, or at least kids AND adults (Lucy). I simply don't get why TBB would
satisfy people over 18.

Side note: My stepsister (yes, I come from a "blended" family, so please don't try and use
THAT as a reason to watch as an adult) went to college with Eve Plumb, and I went to
college (briefly) with Susan Olsen (we were in acting class, and did a scene together). My
stepsister said Plumb was pleasant but extremely quiet, and I found Olsen to be very
sweet and outgoing. She discussed the show a lot, but she talked about technical things,
like how the sets were lined up, and how many shooting days per episode, etc.

Again, as a kid, and through personal experience, I have some nice memories. But I
still don't get the massive nostalgia for a show that was neither great nor terrible.

Anyone care to explain it to me?




Why does anyone like anything? Individual tastes. I have no clue why people eat watermelon. Nasty stuff imo.
