MovieChat Forums > Five Easy Pieces (1970) Discussion > Similar movies to see. Recommend!!!

Similar movies to see. Recommend!!!

Well, there has been some other comparisons on this board, like Good Will Hunting and I don't know what else. Anyway, when I saw Five Easy Pieces, the character reminded me of Cool Hand Luke. Both youngsters, fairly brilliant (i.e. they're outsiders not for lack of capacity; unlike Midnight Cowboy which other poster has compared FEP to), disillusioned about their social environment, and without a clue as to what to do with their lives (of course, Paul Newman is lovable, and Nicholson's character is not). I could say the same about the same Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
What other movies would you say has the same kind of character and problematic situation?


Tony Richardson's 1959 film Look Back in Anger is like the earlier, British version of Five Easy Pieces: both concern an angry young man (pun intended) from a good family and is well-educated, but reject these worlds to work in jobs probably far below their standards--Richard Burton's Jimmy Porter is a college grad and jazz musician selling candy while Bobby Dupea's piano virtuoso works on an oil rig. Look Back in Anger also contains a similar love triangle, a man caught between his wife who he treats as an emotional punching bag, and a more refined woman who really has the guts to match him and point out his failings...and it's her guts that makes him fall for her.

Even though Richard Burton at 35 is far too old to play Jimmy Porter, his angry, masculine prowess is undeniable and this is one of his finest performances.

Beauty is in the moment, which is something we always find out too late.




You only watch movies for the leading man?



Stop using multiple accounts to back yourself up then coward.


'outsiders not for lack of capacity...disillusioned about their social environment, and without a clue as to what to do with their lives'

Mike Leigh's "Naked"


any film by jon jost (the greatest director in the world)
tender mercies
out of the blue by dennis hopper
pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.



Just saw it for the first time, and I thought of Scarecrow during many sequences. I would also agree with earlier posters that Cool Hand Luke and The Last Detail are other great films with the same feeling attached to them. The later being much more hopeful and focusing on brighter aspects of being though.

Haven't seen all of the other recommendations here but I will definitely look some of them up.


It looks like I've already replied some three years ago but what the hell I'll recommend a few more, most have been mentioned:

Hud with Paul Newman
The Last Picture Show A great, great film
Carnal Knowledge similar territory but not as great as 'Pieces
Diner a more light-hearted in tone, but look for the Mickey Rourke character
My Own Private Idaho has a problem or two but still a great ride

Honestly. I just realized I have never seen James Dean's movies.


Maybe by now you have seen East of Eden. Talk about a tortured soul ! I actually feel bad Dean had to emote so strongly in that film. He totally loses it and has no dignity. We may understand him and care, but he falls apart so completely, it's a little hard to watch.

I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.




Tetro has the same 'brilliant musician escaping the confines of his all-musician family (and seemingly wasting his talent along the way)' theme.
