MovieChat Forums > Five Easy Pieces (1970) Discussion > Intellectual conversation...

Intellectual conversation...

So this was a little before my time, but can someone who was around at that time tell me, did people actually sit around and have those annoying philosophical discussions such as the one in this movie?

Whadda ya hear, whadda ya say!





Gee, thanks guys, this has been very informative.

Whadda ya hear, whadda ya say!




The annoying type of philosophical discussion we see in Five Easy Pieces has always been around, and will probably always be around - if you're hanging with a certain type of crowd, you hear a certain type of conversation.

There was a (vaguely) similar scene in the original version of Brideshead Revisited (1981); a self-absorbed student was sitting in a room pompously lecturing his friends on "chance," "logic" and the "rational world" - and someone passing by stopped, stuck his head in their window, and threw up.

(Great moment - it was rather like Jack Nicholson telling everyone they were "full of sh*t").



Yes they do exist! My Mum has a friend and he talks exactly like that lady, I find him a pompous bore but my other family members sit in rapture at his "wisdom"! Quite tragic really.


I know it's six months since the last post but seriously, how can you watch a film about a man who can find no meaning in his life and then, presented with something potentially meaningful (being a dad) runs away from it, and still disregard philosophy altogether as a topic of interest?

I know the lady talking about philosophy in the film is a dick, but that's not because she's talking about philosophy, it's just because she's doing it like a dick and judging Rayette for not being as intelligent as her when it's not Rayette's fault.

This film itself is philosophical so if you really want to rule out philosophy as something that's such a waste of time then maybe you don't like this film as much as you think you do. Or maybe you're just being a bit harsh on philosophy as a subject just cause some people are dicks.

P.S. Has no one else noticed that Construction Worker Hackman is so taking the p*ss out of you all...?


I know the lady talking about philosophy in the film is a dick, but that's not because she's talking about philosophy, it's just because she's doing it like a dick and judging Rayette for not being as intelligent as her when it's not Rayette's fault.
Thankfully someone in this topic isn't a complete IMBECILE!! I can't believe all the people who are "happy to be dumb," and can't tell the difference between TRUE intelligence and someone who may be talking intelligently but is doing it in a shallow, stuck-up, snobby way! There's nothing wrong with discussing philosophical subjects; it's the people who do it while looking down their noses at everyone, people who use it just so they elevate themselves out of the "common rabble." It's quite possible to humbly discuss philosophy!

People who find talking about philosophy "boring" likely do because they can't follow or comprehend what is being talked about. Most people don't want to admit they're stupid, so they blame it on anyone/anything else but themselves. "Philosophy is boring" is another way of saying "I don't get it but I don't want to admit it or I sound stupid." There are plenty of intelligent people who don't use it against other people, or judge people of lesser intelligence. It's just a character in a movie, it doesn't represent all people who like to talk about philosophy; besides, many philosophies are very interesting to discuss. The discussion in the movie doesn't represent the way things are everywhere, every time.

"Questions are a danger to you, and a burden to others." ~Mr. Krabs



Exactly! All philosophy is is just trying to figure out the meaning of life itself, how it works and dosen't work sometimes,why things happen the way they do,why people act the way they act, or just discussing political issues that affect our daily lives, like I do in the community group I meet with on a daily basis. You don't always have to be a college-educated individual to discuss all that---hell,people bring up stuff like that in regular conversation every day.

And yes, unfortunately, you have some arrogant a**holes who use their intelligence & philosophies as a club to beat people they consider lesser than themselves over the head with, so they can feel-oh-so-superior---avoid them and just have fun philosophising with like-minded friends or acquaintances--I've done that many,many times, and it can be just straight-up fun, especially when it's something you really enjoy/want to talk about.

Also not understanding philosophy dosen't mean that person is stupid----it just means they can't understand it,plain and simple, or it might be too complicated for anyone not familiar with the subject matter to get.


People who find talking about philosophy "boring" likely do because they can't follow or comprehend what is being talked about. Most people don't want to admit they're stupid, so they blame it on anyone/anything else but themselves. "Philosophy is boring" is another way of saying "I don't get it but I don't want to admit it or I sound stupid." [] There are plenty of intelligent people who don't use it against other people, or judge people of lesser intelligence. It's just a character in a movie, it doesn't represent all people who like to talk about philosophy; besides, many philosophies are very interesting to discuss. The discussion in the movie doesn't represent the way things are everywhere, every time.

Hmm, let me quote your words in a different order:

'There are plenty of intelligent people who don't use it against other people, or judge people of lesser intelligence...People who find talking about philosophy "boring" likely do because they can't follow or comprehend what is being talked about. Most people don't want to admit they're stupid, so they blame it on anyone/anything else but themselves.'



Wow, that was 4 years ago, I barely remember making that post (I'm Hypermecha). I do remember that a bunch of the posts that apparently got deleted were some posters just being a slew of a-holes, though. LOL.

I can't understand your crazy moon language.


... but did you understand the point I was making?


People don't like to admit there is a little bit of her in everyone - its the last taboo!


I so wish conversations like that were a thing of the past, but pretentious bores have always existed and probably always will. And what an "aha!" moment when Robert tells that gasbag off!


I agree, I loved that moment, probably my favourite from the film.



Another great line of that scene is how Bobby tells the other gal: "Uhh. I don't speak French."


Go visit one of your local book discussions. You will definitely meet this type of person!



Yeah, thank god nobody is intelligent enough to understand this junk anymore.We've all been dumbed all the way down.I think Jack Nicholson's character got mad because he DID understand what she was talking about and thought it was a big load of BS, not that "intellectual conversations" in general are BS.





^LOL just like you and your multiple accounts in the Bronson topic.


The only parts of this movie I really liked are when he tells that old hag to shut up, and the part where he plays Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4 on piano, I play it too and it was nice to hear in the movie. =)

Unfortunately the rest I found a tad on the boring side, but maybe I'd like it if I watched it again later on. I also found Blade Runner (another movie many people find boring) boring the first time I watched it and fell in love with it the second time.


Being intellectually curious is a great thing. Philosophical discussion can be extremely important in shaping our values and ideas. However it's important not be pompous or arrogant. And sometimes it seems intellectual conversations are nothing more than people showing off. It doesn't have to be this way though. I generally dislike people who think discussing highly intellectual material is always pretentious.


Many people find Blade Runner boring?


What would happen if they tried Tarkovsky?



What I found most interesting about this scene is that after Bobby gallantly defends sweet simple Rayette against the pompous intellectuals, he immediately brushes her off. I know both Rayette and the eggheads represented two limited extremes, but it seems at times that Bobby is determined to fit in nowhere.
