MovieChat Forums > MASH (1970) Discussion > Anyone else surprised?

Anyone else surprised?

The Left adores this film, yet it is highly sexist in how the men treat the nurses, the nickname "Spearchucker" is racist, and Hawkeye is clearly uncomfortable when Painless tells him he might be "a fairy". Plus that nurse who seems an outcast, for reasons only hinted at. Lesbianism?

There's a lot that the Left could protest in here, but I've never heard a peep.

If a film like this were made today, Special Interest groups would be screaming bloody murder.

Marriage is between one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others.


Oid Lefty here!

I loved this movie when I was a teen, now I can't stand it. Not just because of all the above, but because Hawkeye and Trapper John are so mean and arrogant. They bully Hot Lips and others in the name of anti-authoritarianism, but the people they attack aren't authority figures. They're assholes who were softened up a lot for the TV show.
