this franchise went downhill fast.

never should have come to modern day earth.


The first one is incredible. After that, yeah, you sure are right.


The shit you'll say for post counts. You've probably never even seen this film like all your copy n paste of other people's reviews. You grift for post counts. LOL


stick to politics.


Maybe you should stick to the General Boards. Unlike you, I've actually seen the films of the boards I post on.


I bet you voted for Trump. Now go watch Fox News and drink your juice.


I can reply lfkhjgdlfkghdflkg and you'll go back n forth with me all night long. LOL You are so textbook! You are such a post-count whore it's actually sad instead of funny.


jerking off to laura ingraham is really sad. now crawl back to the politics board and leave the adults alone.


Oh, fuck off. This movie is GREAT.


yes, i liked it more than second but the new ones are great too.


The first is one of my favourites movies.
"Escape from the planet of the Apes" is still fine (although the music is terrible), at least they explain the reason why the Apes took the power and why they could speak English.
The first is brilliant, second and third are OK.


Yeah. I'm re-watchig it now. And every movie is so much worse.

Writing is so bad.


So why are you even watching?


Because I like the premise overall. I like all apocalypse thing.

Saw trailer for new Apes 2024 movie. And decided to rewatch Caesar trilogy. Then decided to re-watch original movies. Still have two more to go.

Only original Charlton Heston movies was good. And James Franco one. Then they just downgrade. Because writers had an interesting idea. And then don't know how to continue it.


Dawn was a great entry in the series
