Did they really have sex?

Does anyone believe they didn't? Perhaps they just slept naked one night, might sound too innocent to think of but Maude still acted like just a friend after that night, she planned to kill herself and she never actually behaved like she loved him in a sexual way to want to sleep with him in the first place. The sex scene is just weird and doesn't fit into the movie, I love the movie,that has to be said though. I'd like to hear opinions about the sex scene .. and I know there are other topics discussing the sex scene so I don't need you to point that out. I'd love to hear from people who think it didn't happen, and why!

- Waffa


Like daggers....;O)

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Yes. They did.

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Well, I took from the scene where he is half-undressed, sitting in bed (I think she's asleep) that they had sex or something like it. This used to be more the way sex was implied in old-time movies. I realize that by 1971, movies were getting a lot more frank, but I think that for this particular film, it was the perfect way to handle it.
"I didn't betray you--I simply put a stop to you."


Having just seen this wonderful movie, I absolutely have no problem with it. I've never had a problem with it if both participants are adults and the relationship is honestly defined. (Obviously we can't have adults sleep with minors and in very unequal power relationships.) I look at it like this: There is no difference between a young man, say Harold, and someone who is that age, say Harold at 80, if he and Maude were the same age. If we are blessed to live as long, we will and should sleep with our husbands and wives who are that age. So why can't a young person do it? And besides, Ruth Gordon was attractive for her age. Honestly, if I were him and knew such a vivacious, life-affirming and interesting woman as Maude, I'd sleep with her too.


I'd like to sleep with Harold...lucky lady!


The question is irrelevant. They shared physical intimacy, whatever the details were.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


You don't think sex is relevant to physical intimacy? Most people would say it's very relevant.


Where he put his penis is not as important as the fact they were together, naked, in bed.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


Where he put is penis is not as important as the fact they were together, naked, in bed.


That comment, lubin-freddy, just won you my respect! MWAH!!


Yeah, they could have had anal sex.



Of course they did, like another poster said, the fireworks symbolized that even if you didn't get the idea from them being naked in bed together. As for why she would have sex with him if she knew she was going to kill herself, I think she just did it as an expression of love and affection because she cared about Harold. I don't think it was very serious to her, she's old and freespirited enough to have engaged in plenty of casual sex in her life, and she probably didn't expect Harold to take it that seriously either. But being so young and inexperienced, he thought there was more too it, it was this huge 'revelation' and he immediately jumps to "we're getting married". It seems pretty clear to me in the movie that Harold loves Maude more/differently than she does him, you can even see it in the way he's always staring at Maude with big puppy dog eyes. She's flattered by the attention from a young man but doesn't quite return it. She's more distant precisely because she knows what's going to happen. And being older, she also knows that he will have plenty more love to come in his life. That's why she advises him early on to let himself get hurt because it's part of living and finally tells him, "Good, now go out and love some more." when he tries to express how deeply he feels (or thinks he feels) about her in the ambulance. Basically, I think Harold grew to think of their relationship as a romance while Maude saw it more as a friendship, one last adventure for herself, and a learning experience for Harold.

In fact, it was supposed to be even more obvious they had sex in the film, but the studio made them cut it:

During post-production, Paramount Pictures stripped Ashby of his power to edit the film. Thus, in solidarity with his director, Cort told the film’s PR team that he wouldn’t do any publicity for the film unless Ashby got his movie back. According to The Guardian, control over the footage was handed back to Ashbyβ€”save for a kissing scene between Harold and Maude that Paramount head honcho Robert Evans despised.


Of course, her Paramount boss husband tried to oblige. Ashby furiously objected, saying, β€œThat’s sort of what the whole movie is about, a boy falling in love with an old woman; the sexual aspect doesn’t have to be distasteful.” About the less-than-explicit scene, Being Hal Ashby author Nick Dawson wrote, β€œAshby wanted to show the beauty of young and old flesh together, something that he knew the younger generation, the hippies, the heads, the open-minded masses would dig, but Evans said it would repulse most audiences, so it had to go.” In the end, Ashby won by sneaking the footage into the film’s trailer."

Ashby told Film Quarterly this in 1972:
"Inevitably, "I ran into trouble with Paramount. We had a scene when Harold and Maude started to make love: their kissing becomes more passionate, and they lie back on the bed. We didn't actually have a scene of them making love, but I wish I'd shot it. Now all we have is the shot of them together in bed in the morning, with Maude asleep. Paramount said it would be too tough for people. I said, 'That's sort of what the whole movie is about, a boy falling in love with an old woman; the sexual aspect doesn't have to be distasteful.' They said it would turn everybody off. I was crazy about the footage. But it was a losing battle."
