Grandpa Joe WAS NOT selfish!

I never had the impression that Grandpa Joe was selfish, and still don't. I think he wanted what was best for Charlie, not himself. When he sings "I've got a golden ticket", he is singing for Charlie and himself, since they are both going, and Charlie even sings along with him. At the end when Wonka says Charlie doesn't get the factory Grandpa Joe yells at him for crushing Charlie's dreams. I don't know where you guys get off saying Grandpa Joe was selfish, he wouldn't even let Charlie buy tobacco for him, he took the money and bought Charlie a Wonka bar because CHARLIE wanted it. It's like you guys watched a different movie than me.

And you guys are just speculating and assuming he got out of bed to buy Charlie that Wonka bar, for all you know his Mom bought it for Joe.


Grandpa Joe is right up there with Daniel Larusso & Albert Ingalls on the most vile and evil characters list.


He's in a class of his own. Even serial killer Albert Ingalls is no match for Gigolo Joe!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Just say no to Grandpa Joe!!!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!



You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Bumping this classic again

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Please. Grandpa Joe is scum. He let's his daughter work herself to death becuase he's supposedly laid up, but is up and dancing in one minute at the prospect of the factory tour.

"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


He runs around the fv<ing room!!!!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


In the old gits defence

How can you expect him to work? he's 96 years old!

How can you expect the other grandparents to get a look in? all three of them are toothless, mute German actors

Why shouldn't the old sod indulge himself in his time of life, when he is surrounded by such wanton misery, a sow of a daughter, a sexless wife and a simpering grandson!

Pull your head in, Joe wasn't evil, he didn't anything we wouldn't all do ourselves

'Ziggy Piggy'


He's been in bed for 20 years and contributed nothing to the household yet still wants his baccy to the detriment of the household groceries, which is why they have to live on sock soup. Claims he is an invalid, yet jumps up and runs around the house the moment he can indulge himself. Selfish, only after what HE can get for HIMSELF, screw the rest!
Why do you think his daughter(in law) is miserable? I'll tell you shall I ? Having to fetch and carry for that miserable leeching old bastard. Simpering Grandson? It's amazing the kid didn't top himself in light of his circumstances. I mean, other than a one in ten million chance of finding a golden ticket, there was hardly a light at the end of that particular tunnel was there?

Start smelling what you're shovelling! He was a wicked, self indulgent old scrote !!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


He's 96! 20 years ago when he entered his bed, he was 76! Long retired, what do you expect him to be doing? Fixing the guttering? Re-paving the patio? Can you be absolutely sure he wasn't a contributory factor in the household before he was bedridden? Can you be absolutely sure he isn't bedridden at his daughter (in-laws) behest who is more than happy to do everything so she can moon around her washer-house singing about her beloved son?

'Cheer up, Charlie, you're a miserable fu**, me AND Joe do everything for you'...the whole meaning of the film is lost if we see Joe assisting with the preparing of the cabbage soup.

Yes he leeched the glory off of Charlie because Joe has had to put up with the snivelling little gits whingeing for years, having the re-tell the same old sodding Wonka stories time and time again just to satisfy his annoying wistfulness, Charlie quite deliberately favored Joe over his other grandparents so can you blame Joe for being even the slightest bit pious about it? 'Nehehehe, I'm his favourite' he would blurt out at George off-camera. But George couldn't respond, because he can't speak English, because he's German, like the others.

Without Joe's churlish deviance, and I will admit its that, the wonderment of Wonka's kingdom would mean NOTHING

'Ziggy Piggy'


He should have been handing over ALL of his pension instead of witholding funds for his baccy addiction. Also his selfishness is obvious in the 'don't tell the others' sentence. Grandpa George said nothing out of fear of invoking the wrath of Don Joe. He ruled that little den of iniquity with an iron fist. This is also the wonderful role model who slagged of others behaviour in the factory then coerced Charlie in to stealing fizzy lifting drinks. When he gets called on it at the end he's all holier than thou, calling Wonka a crook and even trying to get Charlie to aid and abet Slugworth in putting Wonka out of business. Why? Wonka told them not to try the drinks, so who's at fault here? Not Wonka, but good old Joe!
But when Wonka says Charlie has won and can come and live at the factory Joe is all '...and me'?. Furthermore, good old Joe knows exactly whose dick to suck here, even helping Wonka with his coat!!!
Wonka should have pushed that devious old bastard out of the glass elevator when it was right over the crapshack they called home

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


He quite pointedly told Charlie he was giving up his tobacco in an effort to help the family out of potential starvation, he also stated that his cabbage soup was charlie's supper other words, Joe would let Charlie have his soup. The man is selfless to the extreme.

And as for the 'and me?' comment, Joe has been a loyal follower of the Wonka legend for decades, he has more of a right than anyone to exploit the confectionary paradise his grandson's decency has presented them all with.

Yeah, he drank some fizzy lifting drinks, but where was Charlie's holier than thou act then? He didn't have to be convinced too hard to glug away.

And if someone spoke to me the way Wonka spoke to Joe...I'd wanna put him out of business too.

Joe is a hero and scholar! I implore you all to know it!

'Ziggy Piggy'


He told Charlie he was giving it up. It only took 20 years of leeching whilst been waited on hand and foot for the guilt to kick in.
I've played the lottery loyally for 20 years, yet some 20 year old in my town recently won a million. I have more right to win than him. Guess I should ask him for my share eh?
Charlie was a kid being manipulated by a devious old man. Earlier in the movie we see how years of this manipulation is forging his character. When he found that money he should have done the honest thing and handed it in to the police. Using Charlies behaviour to excuse Grandpa Joes shows how easily this old goat has conned even you.
If somebody stole from you then called you a crook do you honestly think they have that right to do so? Or, do you think you have the right to put them in their place? I believe the latter applies. In fact if I was in Wonkas shoes, I would have set the oompah loompahs on the fvckin pair of them!

He is an evil lazy man! Say it loud so everyone can hear.

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


I don't think sipping a drink constitutes 'stealing' in any real situation, it would never make court. Plus, Grandpa Joe's influence wouldn't go beyond the inherently good Mrs Bucket who keeps him in line.

You are laying all the blame at Joe's feet but what about Wonka's blame, he invites 5 young children to his factory promising surprises, and nearly kills 4 of them without a display of remorse.

While some of Joe's antics leave a lot to be desired, he clearly loves his grandson, Wonka actually doesn't speak directly to Charlie very often until the end. Joe's was rightly miffed by his behaviour and spoke for us ALL when he called him an inhuman monster

'Ziggy Piggy'


You truly have had the wool pulled over yoyr eyes if you think mrs Bucket could have kept 'Don' Joe in line. But then that's the greatest trick the devil ever played, convincing people he doesn't exist isn't it?
Sip or whole bottle, it wasn't his and he was told not to touch it. True it may not have stood up in court, but it was rule breaking and initially cost Charlie the win.
I AM laying all the blame with Joe, he knew the rules. Everytime a kid did something Wonka had told them not to, whose fault is that? Certainly not Wonkas.

Erm.....Joe spoke up for himself because he wanted his, screw Charlie, he was just a means to an end.

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


There's no question that Joe was overzealous, but he was trying to have some fun, being saddled with the saintly Charlie was boring, and he'd seen all the other kids 'ave a laugh, why shouldn't he?

I think you assume all old men have to conform to the shackles of elderly life. He wanted to assume a position authority over his hapless peers, he wanted to use his grandson to sniff Wonka's chocolate at last...

What is SO wrong with that?

'Ziggy Piggy'


This is the same Joe who slagged the other kids off for their behaviour. Also, and I will have to check myself, how close was he to Augustus Gloop when he 'fell' in the chocolate river. Who was 'touching' mrs Teevee in the corridor. Saddled with Charlie ! If it wasn't for Charlie the old bastard wouldn't have been there in the first place.
I don't think old men should conform to the shackles of elderly life, but I also don't think they should con everyone in to thinking they are an invallid when they clearly aren't.
He wanted to use his last the truth dawns on you. Yes he did use him didn't he? I imagine Charlie is buried somewhere in that factory along with his mother and the other grandparents whilst Joe rules the factory and the oompah loompahs with an iron fist!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


So what if he touched up Mrs Teavee? I doubt she minded...besides, I reckon that Mr Beauregarde had seriously roving hands.

Yes he used his dullard Grandson so he could have some FUN, you're a long time dead.

'Ziggy Piggy'


Of course she minded hence her shouting.
Yes he used his dullard grandson, because that's what he is, a user, a leech, a drain on all those around him

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Ok, enough about his good points. You gonna insult him or what

'Ziggy Piggy'


Insult him? That's not insulting him. That IS pointing out his good points!!!!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


So what's yer beef?

'Ziggy Piggy'


My beef is somebody starting a thread saying he wasn't selfish!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


there's being 'selfish' and then there's being 'evil'

there's no proof of evil in the film.

'Ziggy Piggy'


It was never proven that OJ Simpson did it, but he did. We all know that!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!



Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



No one is interested yet you replied......twice.
I will never stop bumping this classic!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Seems Granpa Joe isn't the only selfish one eh?

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



He was found not guilty by a jury, ergo no, it wasn't proven!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Who's condoning what OJ did?
Not me

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Didn't say that there was no proof. Can't you read? I said it was never proven that he did it. A jury of 12 found him not guilty. That means that the 'proof' that was presented was not beyond all reasonable doubt. Hence they never proved the case against him. Ergo, it was not proven. Whatever you wish to now add is irrelevant as history has already spoken.

Back on topic. Yes Granpa Joe WAS selfish!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


I think Mr Gloop (Augustus's father) was selfish.



Don't bring that wonderful and brilliant actor, Jack ALbertson, into this! He's innocent! We're talking about Grandpa Joe here.

The character and his actions are the ones on trial here. NOT the actor that portrays them. Otherwise you might as well lock up Steve Railsback for the Tate-LaBianca murders!

"De gustibus non disputandum est"


Or Robert Carlyle for playing Hitler!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



No. You are comparing him to Hitler.
What I am saying is that I hate the character of Granpa Joe and not the person acting out the role. You twist and turn like a twisty turny thing to try and be right. You are not.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


Who am I comparing to Hitler?

You may think that but I couldn't possibly comment--Francis Urquhart



I think Grandpa Joe has a few Oompa Loompas buried in the basement.



You are comparing any actor playing a role to their real life personna.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2




Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Blah, blah, blah. Deny, deny, deny. Twist and turn.

I once asked you why you deleted your old posts. Now I know why. It is so you can deny saying something and put the blame on somebody else for your BS.

It has no negative impact on the actor at all. In fact it shows that the actor has done a good job. If you think it does impact on the actor, then you must be one of those people that can't separate fantasy from reality.

Yes the author wrote the character. Yes others and myself understand this. It doesn't mean we can't hate the character. This is something YOU fail to understand.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



The basement of the factory he now lives in

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


Alan, Joe was the grandfather of Charlie (though, of course, parents/grandparents SHOULDN't play favorites versus other parents/grandparents's kids), but the two only borrowed the lifting drinks, which Mr.Wonka then chastised them for, only for Slugworth(?) to come along and Charlie to return it, then the surprise "that's my spy" twist comes up that O'Henry type ending.

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


but the two only borrowed the lifting drinks

Borrowed? Exactly how were they going to return the 'borrowed' drink? From Joes colostomy bag? No, they stole the drink. Even Wonka says so.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


So this is what the selfish thing is about. Because Grandpa Joe sang the lyrics 'I've got a golden ticket'. It's just a song. One that Charlie joined in. He didn't try and take the ticket from Charlie and claim it as his own, or usurp Charlie at all on the factory tour.


Wonka "It's yours Charlie, all yours. You can come and live here at the factory".

Granpa Joe "...and me"?

Good old Joe only thinking about himself. When Wonka says of course, Joe (who 2 minutes earlier is calling Wonka a crook during his rant) is cheerfully helping Wonka with his hat and coat. Just like he thought about himself when he bought that tobacco, to the detriment of the household food kitty. Bed bound? As soon as the golden ticket was produced, he proved that not only could he walk, he could run round the fv<ing room, kicking his bastard heels in the process and singing "I'VE GOT A GOLDEN TICKET"! He might as well have stuck his tongue out at the other scrotes in the bed while he was on. Plus he tried to pass on his selfishness to Charlie by not only keeping schtum about the chocolate bar he gave him ("Don't tell the others"), but by selling Wonka down the river after HE coerced him in to stealing the fizzy lifting drink in the first place.

Had Charlie listened to the thieving,selfish old bastard, he would have lost the lot!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



But, should have been mine, mine. I tell you. Not Joes. Why does he get it all and not me. It isn't fair, I don't lie in bed all day and smoke tobacco and indulge in geriatric love making. I work my fingers to the bone everyday and what do I get? Nothing....I get NOTHING! I've never stolen anything, let alone coerced a minor to steal. It's all wrong that Joe should profit. What kind of message does that send out eh?
That's it I'm off to do myself in. Goodbye cruel world. Are you happy now?

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



What cure is there for you and your poor grasp of satire? Once you discover it you might just enjoy the board and film a bit more!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



There were questions in there! Really? What questions and would you accept any answers that don't fit your assumptions anyway?

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



So, let me get this straight before I answer. Are you saying it is not Joes fault he was a lazy, evil man, because he was written that way?

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



So, you are in fact admitting that Granpa Joe was evil and lazy!

Thank you for that. It shows that I also got right that he was lazy and evil. Job done.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Why did the writers make Joe the way he was?

Probably to show the audience what a hopeless existence Charlie truly had.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



The hate towards Joe 'IS' justified seeing as he is written as a hateful character. you yourself even say he is a lazy, evil man.

Do you know why you never got the answer you were looking for?

Because you were wrong about me and others. We don't hate all old people, and if that was the writers intention, then they failed as far as I'm concerned. You admit that no-one came up with the answer you were looking for, so surely now you must know that you have got it all wrong.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



If we couldn't come up with the answer you expected from us, it's because you were WRONG. You just can't admit it.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Oh boo hoo! Whatever shall I do?

You simply live in denial don't you? I have already stated that I don't hate all old people, yet you refuse to accept this based on the fact that I dislike a fictional elderly character who you yourself admit is lazy and evil. It seems you have real trouble separating fiction from reality. Seek help, or at least keep away from matches for I fear you may do someone harm whether intentionally or not!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Translated, it means you are living in denial and are getting hung up over your misconstrued perception of others hatred of elderly people!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



YOU DARE ME! Hahahaha! Have you any idea how idiotic you are coming across?

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



So you are daring me to come over to the Little House on the Prairie boards and join you in condemning Albert Ingals ( who I already think is a bad egg anyway).
How exactly is this a dare and why do you think you need my help?

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


Until you come to your senses, you and I will part ways. Bye Bye!

You may think that but I couldn't possibly comment--Francis Urquhart



2 can play at that!

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2


Grandpa Joe is as rotten as they come. "I've got the golden ticket?" Curious choice of words, that arrangement. Why not say: "Charlie's got the Golden Ticket?" Ole Joe sure copped a feel in that hallway too. Charlie's gonna have a lawsuit on his hands thanks to him. What father lounges around all day while their daughter works endlessly to make ends meet? The mom deserved to go, not this deadbeat. Let's not forget his attempted extortion of Mr. Wonka either. However, irony was on Wonka's side, as Sludgeworth worked for him. Immediately after Charlie is named the heir, do we hear any congratulatory sentiments from him? Of course not. Instead we hear "what about me"? Granpda Joe thinks of one person only, himself.


For sure. Wonka should have opened the doors of the glass elevator in mid flight, beckoned Joe over, and kicked the old bastard out.

Gentlemen, England will be playing 4-4-f---ing-2



Bats, are they really blind or are they taking the piss?


Brilliant post.

If you even dream about shooting me, you'd better wake up and apologize!!!



wears-alan, if it makes you happy I will spread the word about Grandpa Joe. I'm not sure how many people will listen though, as he is a fictional character. However, I will still do it to express the villain that he is.


Thanks GreyJug

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Lmao. This thread is hilarious.

Grandpa Joe flat out steals the fizzy lifting drinks and gets Charlie to go along with it. But I believe this wasn't the first time Grandpa Joe committed theft before making Charlie go along with it. How did he get that first candy bar that he told Charlie to be quiet about? My theory is that dirty Joe robbed the candy man. That's right. Dirty Joe covered his face with a stocking and stuck a screwdriver poking out his pocket in order to make it look like a gun. He demanded the candy man give him free chocolate. That's why dirty Joe was so adamant that Charlie not mention the chocolate bar- it was clearly stolen. Then he goes back to pretending to be bed ridden and crippled- the perfect guise.


My theory is that dirty Joe robbed the candy man

every day, that pedo candy man goes in and sings to the kids and doles out free candy. one day, joe cased the joint when this little bit of entertainment was going on. one of the kids was given a candy bar and left without opening it. good ole grandpa joe did his best slugworth impression and jumped out of the shadows in the alley as the kid was high tailing it home. grandpa joe laid it on heavy on the kid and forced him to give it up.

i'm thinking joe was a heavy for the mob back in the day.


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!



Dirty Joe covered his face with a stocking and stuck his dick poking out his pocket in order to make it look like a gun.

More in character I would think.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!



It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!




It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


I've read all your points and I agree this is an evil man. In addition to everything you said, when he sings and prances around the room, he takes a basket of clothes and spills them on the floor for no reason. No way mean old Joe is picking that up. More work for the mom.

Also when they're in the elevator and WW tells Charlie he's getting the factory he says "Wait Charlie gets the factory" in a jealous, angry tone. It's as if mean Old Joe thinks HE deserves the factory more than Charlie.


Welcome to the cause.
It'sy guess that mean old Joe offed Charlie and the rest then had the oompah a waiting on him hand and foot. In fact I bet he kept the competition going and invited children from all over the world with the winner being awarded chocolate for their family for a year. There would of ourse be no winner because the traps would be deadlier each year. This will have been the basis for the Hunger Games.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Deep down - you know full well that you admire Joe. His actions define the movie. We wouldn;t be here today if not for him.

'Ziggy Piggy'


Watched this movie again the other day on TV. It made me realise that I AM ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!!! That curmudgeonly old bastard should have been used by the Oompahs as a Pinata. They should have knocked the sh!t out of him with big sticks.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


It's Grandpa Joe who keeps the family together when they are huddled together in that shack. It's Grandpa Joe who keeps Charlie's pecker up (now now) when he can't find a golden ticket. It's Grandpa Joe who volounteers himself to go to the factory when the others are just TOO OLD, he doesn't want to go for any other selfish reason then to see his beloved Grandson get dolloped in chocolate. It's GRANDPA JOE who challenges Wonka throughout the movie and gets Charlie his just desserts. You can't possibly deny these facts, you can't possibly suggest that Joe isn't a divine, godly presence in all our lives and should be exclaimed as a champion of humankind herewith.

&#x27;Ziggy Piggy&#x27;


It's Grandpa Joe who keeps the family together when they are huddled together in that shack.
Warmth, no other reason. Also safety in numbers, he had a lot of enemies did Don Joe.
It's Grandpa Joe who keeps Charlie's pecker up

Ohhhh, Matron.
when he can't find a golden ticket.

Yep, keep the kid distracted so he doesn't realise he is being played.
It's Grandpa Joe who volounteers himself to go to the factory when the others are just TOO OLD,
Fvc<ing volunteered??? Charlie should have taken his mother, not that leeching old fraud. Notice how shortly after gaining his balance he was running around the crap shack, jumping up in the air kicking his fvc<ing heels!
he doesn't want to go for any other selfish reason then to see his beloved Grandson get dolloped in chocolate
He goes to get his is what he does. Did you see him licking that wallpaper? Like a freaking porn star.
It's GRANDPA JOE who challenges Wonka throughout the movie and gets Charlie his just desserts.
WTF? He makes sure Charlie gets his and then after breaking the rules can't accept the consequences, so makes to sell the EG so that he is kept in tobacco for the rest of his miserable days. Good job Charlie realised at this point that listening to Joe was a step on the path to becoming a shyster just like him, so returned the EG. Charlie won by not listening to the old scrote.
You can't possibly deny these facts, you can't possibly suggest that Joe isn't a divine, godly presence in all our lives and should be exclaimed as a champion of humankind herewith.
He should have been made to contribute to the household by being tied to a post in the garden while kids pay money to poke him with a sharp stick for amusement.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


I was practically raised by my grandmother who was old enough to be my great-grandmother. She used to open my bedroom window if the weather was mild. Then she closed her window so there would be more fresh air for me. THAT is a grandparent, not a selfish lazy moocher like Grandpa Joe.


Grandpa Joe isn't black.

Why is he selfish and lazy?

Just a joke by the way. wears-alan may hav e some points but along the way he became a troll
and is just bashing elderly old folks with no reason. 

Oh btw the movie rules. 

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


A Troll?
Eeh! You cheeky bastard!

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!



Grandpa Joe seems like a nice guy and the kind of good grandfather anyone would want! Very selfless and genuine. I feel sorry for him!

No one in their right mind would ride on a buggy driven by Klaus Kinski.


Of course he run along dear, it's time for your medicine.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Glad you agree that the floor was just too cold for him to get up!

No one in their right mind would ride on a buggy driven by Klaus Kinski.


I don't.
I think he was a conniving old bastard with no more right on Gods green Earth than a weasel!

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


I know, me neither.

I remember when I was a little kid and my parents and grandparents would laugh and get a kick out of mentioning how Grandpa Joe is lazy and makes excuses to stay in bed. I always thought I/we were the only ones who noticed, but then was glad to find it covered in depth on the internet. It makes for some funny and fascinating reading.

Do you believe that the writers intentionally wrote him that way? It seems so weird for a children's film to have a character like him. WW&TCF seems more like a disguised horror film, anyway, I guess.

No one in their right mind would ride on a buggy driven by Klaus Kinski.


I think we have to credit Jack Albertson (himself a likeable person) whose acting skills brought out he true despicable character of Grandpa Joe.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


He was a selfish bastard, when Charlie and the Mom were away, he would get out of bed, take his gun and try to shoot the pets that belonged to the poor widow that lived next door. Then when they got back home he would get back into bed and pretend he could not walk even though he had the ability to get his ass out of bed. Then would threaten to shoot the other three if they told the mom and Charlie that he could walk.
