MovieChat Forums > The New Price Is Right (1972) Discussion > How are the contestants selected?

How are the contestants selected?

You know there must be some diverisity/gender formula in place to ensure they don't get sued.



We were on the show in 2016; My wife won a "new car"!

Everyone is interviewed for about 20 seconds, about an hour before the show begins. Everyone has red numbers underneath the yellow tag, so they keep track of you that way, and know where you're sitting. Right before show-time, they ask everyone to tear off the red number.

In his book, producer Stan Blitts, who does the interviews, says that if they didn't do interviews, the show would've been off-the-air after the 1st season. They need personality! Yes I'm sure there's also a diversity formula built in as well.


why is "new car" in quotes?

and whats the reason for tearing off the red number?


"New Car!" is in quotes because George Gray always emphasizes "NEW CAR!" when it's being offered as the prize. Nothing else on the show is called "New", just the automobiles!

The red number is torn off to maintain the appearance on-camera that the guest selection is totally random.


Ha that makes sense about the car!

But i still dont get why the red numbers need to be taken off if they are BENEATH the big yellow tag which the camera wouldn't be able to see. Unless the red shows through or something. A little help?


I cannot attach an image here but when you're first given your nametag, it has a red number attached underneath it, but not hidden.

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When I said "underneath" I do not mean that it is BEHIND the yellow tag. It's BELOW it. Right before cameras roll they ask everyone to tear off the red number.


lol okay that makes sense!
thanks for the clarification!


If I'm not being too nosey, how was your experience getting the new car? The reason I ask is, I had read once about a young woman who won a new car on The Price Is Right but had to sell it just to be able to pay her income taxes the next year and the sales tax.


It was a great experience because it was a HONDA CIVIC, a nice car that we were interested in. Many cars on there I would not want.

Yes between the state and federal taxes, the hit was about 30% on a $22k car, so figure $6k. That was worth it to pay $6000 for "a new car!", so we kept it and sold our other car. It's a great talking point, and I got personalized plates that say "PRICE RT", with the "I won this car on the Price is Right" plate holder. I see many people pull up behind us at traffic lights and take a picture!

We went to the 2nd taping of the day and as we were walking in, a very happy woman from the 1st taping was walking out carrying her license-plate-holder and we were saying "wow, can you imagine!?". And then a few hours later, that was us! We left right from the studio to LAX to fly home to Buffalo, and kept our Yellow nametags on. It was fun walking through the airport and people saying "PRICE IS RIGHT!" to us! When people asked if we won anything though, we were sworn to secrecy. We didn't even tell our kids! You sign a form stating you won't reveal your winnings to anyone. And if they catch you posting anything about the show on Social Media, you can be subject to forfeiture of everything won.

reply! Thanks for sharing


They put all the names in a hat and randomly selected Dylan Mulvaney


If I was going to go to the show, I would say I was from Cleveland since it seems like they pick an extraordinary number of people from Drew's hometown of Cleveland.


It helps to wear a personalized shirt. They do interview everyone for about 30 seconds. The producer breaks the audience into groups of about 40 and silently picks one person from each group based on that short interview.

Be spunky
Be energetic
But not over the top!

My wife has a natural glow to her, and was wearing a handmade shirt with THE WHEEL pointing to 50 for her 50th birthday. All of that helped. They are watching you on camera the whole time in line, looking for energy and enthusiasm. But don't go over the top. One woman was running through the line high-fiving everyone and I thought for sure she'd get picked. She did not.


I'm curious how they pick contestants now that they only allow like 20 people into the studio. Must be a totally different process.
