MovieChat Forums > Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (1977) Discussion > Worst movie to ever reach my eyes

Worst movie to ever reach my eyes

This is by far the worst film I have ever seen. Its slow, undeveloped plot and general storyline carry on a horrible progression of insignificant and confusing scenes. Its acting is none the better; but worst of all is the script. The actors ramble on with pointless monologues and unrealistic dialogues. All in all, this movie SUCKS!!!


J_bass88, your an obvious idiot.

What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity


Pity when the film did "reach your eyes" it did not bitch slap you about a few times,for the hell off it you grade 1 knob jockey.


I think the important issue here is that each individual has his or her own expectations and personal criteria for judging films. Different tastes, different levels of experience with certain types of films, and the different amount of value that people place on films (e.g. to some, film is an integral part of life in enjoying/expressing themselves emotionally and artistically; to others, its function is to entertain occasionally to pass a couple hours--and of course there are all types of people in between) all determine what one considers a "good" movie.

To me, film is incredibly important, and as an enthusiast of the art form I find pleasure in all sorts of films, for both artistic reasons as well as escapist entertainment. My viewing of Aguirre was fantastic, but then again I've had a lot of experience with that type of film and I tend to favor films with these themes and elements (e.g. character-driven as opposed to plot-driven, with internal/personal conflict that examines human nature while juxtaposed with an exotic, fantastic setting; other films in this category could include Apocalypse Now, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and any David Lean epic such as Lawrence of Arabia or Bridge on the River Kwai).

However, that's me. The original poster may not look for or value these types of things when watching films; or even if he does, he personally just may not find the manner in which Aguirre presents them very appealing... and that's okay. Though I love Aguirre, I wouldn't recommend it to most of my friends (though I've highly recommended it to a few) because I can see where it may not appeal to many people. In the end, the way a film "measures up" to an individual has much more to do with the individual viewing the film than the film itself.


This film is fantastic. The incidental music is possibly the most mesmerising I have ever heard. The landscapes and scenery is breathtaking. The sounds of nature that were captured are spectacular. Some of the camera work is sublime particularly the circling of the raft in the last shot. The original poster complains about lack of plot. The story is apparently based on the diary writings of the monk Gaspar de Carvajal who was actually there. So that kills that argument. Then they go on about the script. Herzog actually didn't given the actors a script so the majority of it is improvised. This is all the more impressive. Yes, film is subjective but frankly the original poster hasn't got a clue what they are on about.



I think it's annoying that people are being called unintelligent because they found this movie to be the opposite of entertaining. Sometimes with movies that want to "mean something" the most important element is left out...entertainment. Sure, I felt like I was on that expedition with them for months and months but is that a good thing when it comes to watching a movie? I don't want to feel like I am inching along the Amazon River when i am watching a movie, I want to learn and I want to enjoy it at the same time. I thought this movie was godawful and I don't think that makes me unintelligent, that's just my taste in movies. End of story.



I found the movie entertaining, you don't have to find the movie to be so.

However as a work of art this movie would stand far above a great majority of movies. This doesn't mean you have to find it more entertaining because of it. A great deal of Shakespeares plays couldn't be called entertainment in the way that you are using the word, but that doesn't diminish their value as works of art.

How much you are entertained by something is subjective, the artistic value of the work is not. If you cannot understand that there is a division between how much you liked a film and how good a film is, you may well be unintelligent. End of story.

These aren't my galoshes!


"I thought this movie was godawful and I don't think that makes me unintelligent"

Yes it does. There is no such word as godawful. End of story.


The film does feature soldiers in the jungle so it must of caused a lot of confusion for Rambo fans, liked the original poster who thought this might be a movie for them.


It would have been humorous though had Kinski whipped out a machine gun and sprayed all of the insubordinates.


That is just your opinion, I wont try to make you love this movie, but just think about all those B-movies out there, this is not as bad as that, no matter what

black and white movies were better


RE: Worst movie to ever reach my eyes

--"Aguirre: The Wrath of God" sucks? :) I feel sorry for anyone who is so mired in convention that he or she doesn't see the merit of this film. I would suggest that such a person go stand in line for the next Ron Howard opus (or should I say "opie").


One post railing on a classic movie; no responses... conclusion? Troll.


I finally watched this movie. I must say it was average. The main actor was terrible. His one look was interesting at first but it soon became boring. Also, did anyone notice some of the death scenes seemed straight out of a Mel Brooks film. Not that it was without its merits, but i am sure they have all been said countless times here.


"The main actor was terrible"



Do you disagree? If so, why?


cause Klaus Kinski was a terrific actor, especially in the films by Werner Herzog.

Ever seen "Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht" or "Woyzeck"?
He was a giant of an actor.

Can you understand German?


Very very little. Only a bit I picked up in Germany. I have seen many foreign films with many great performances so i don't think that was it. It was just a one note performance for me. I liked the guy who played the slave. The two women also did a noteworthy job. This was my third Herzog film, and I haven't been all that impressed. Not bad, but I am waiting for something to wow me. What's your favorite of his?


I heven't meant that you lack of German language skills is the reason you weren't impressed by Kinski.

I asked cause here is a great documentary about Klaus Kinski in German:

I was astonished as I saw Kinski in "Aguirre" - I thaught the movie was OK, but his aura was striking.

After repeated watchning I love "Aguirre" although it is not my favourite Herzog.

For my tastes after multiple viewings the order would be:
01. Herz aus Glas (Heart of Glass)
02. Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht (Nosferatu - The Vampyre)
03. Fata Morgana
04. Julien Donkey-Boy (directed by Harmony Korine - Herzog is one of the lead actors)
05. Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Aguirre, Wrath of God)
06. Lebenszeichen (Signs of Life)
07. Woyzeck
08. The Wild Blue Yonder
09. Lektionen in Finsternis (Lessons of Darkness)
10. Stroszek
11. Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen (Even Dwarves Started Small)
12. Mein liebster Feind (My Best Fiend)
13. Cobra Verde
14. Fitzcarraldo
15. Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser)
16. Invincible
17. Rescue Dawn
18. Cerro Torre: Schrei aus Stein (Scream of Stone)
19. Wo die grünen Ameisen träumen (Where the Green Ants Dream)

the first 7 of that list I consider s master pieces.
the next 8 are great films.

I love most of his feature films but his famous documentaries like "Little Dieter Needs to Fly", "Grizzly Man" or "Encounters at the End of the World" didn't do it for me.


nice. i'll check out Heart of Glass Hopefully it won't be my last of his to watch.

Random great films....

The Mirror (Tarkovsky)
Wild Strawberries
La Ronde
Band of Outsiders
Fanny and Alexander
The Bird People of China
Edvard Munch
Heaven's Gate
Punch-drunk Love
Touch of Evil
After life


Your the worst poster to ever reach my eyes.

(when confronted with aliens) i've got a wife an' kids, eat them.
