MovieChat Forums > The Godfather (1972) Discussion > Would your average 20 year old like this...

Would your average 20 year old like this in 2023?

Just wondering.

My 27 year old brother said it's a bad movie and my cousin who was 22 or so at the time of watching this turned it off after 40 minutes because it was boring.

I haven't watched it myself in about 12 years... which is telling I guess. No desire to revisit this one.

I'm sure some will say 'kids these days' are stupid. But you can't conflate intelligence with movie preference. Also for the same reason The Godfather was better in the 1970s than many movies from previous decades is the same reason many movies of today are better than this. Times change, mediums advance.

People who saw this in theatres when they were 20 years old are now 71. It's been a long time. No shame in not holding up 51 years later. Very few things can stand the test of time that long.


I saw this the first time a few months back and switched off after about 20 minutes because it was boring.

But I thought Hitchcock's Psycho was a million times more boring and I don't think it's stood the test of time, I mean really.


I appreciate your honesty. A lot of people feel obligated to like certain movies that are highly regarded.


The first time I saw The Godfather was in or around 2003 and I was 19 or 20, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. That being said, I do not think your average 20 year old in 2023 would enjoy The Godfather just like I do not think your average 20 year old in 2003 enjoyed The Godfather. I think anyone who appreciates film, past a certain age, let’s say 17, because age matters up to a point imo, will enjoy or at the very least regard The Godfather as what it is, a timeless piece of filmmaking with a wonderful narrative and dynamic characters.
You don’t have to like something to respect or appreciate what is or what it stands for.


That being said, I do not think your average 20 year old in 2023 would enjoy The Godfather just like I do not think your average 20 year old in 2003 enjoyed The Godfather.

Yup. Your average twenty year old in just about any year is, at best, a casual film fan. There'll only be a certain percentage of people in any generation who develop the cinephilia bug, and thereby an interest in and appreciation of classic, older films.

And that percentage is probably even smaller these days because there are so many other entertainment options available.


Similar for me, but I hated it. It was just too slow and boring. But Godfather 2 was an instant classic for me, 3 I thought of not bad. I rewatched then few years later the Godfather TV series (timeline aligned, extended) and started to really appreciate Part 1. After a rewatch with 30ish, I agree it is a great movie. So, I always loved Vito's death scene.
But yeah, 20 is a bit too early for most young people. Depends on what movies they watched before this, but I doubt the average person could appreciate it before 30 nowadays.


Yeah, too slow and boring for today.
Heck, maybe even for back then.
I dunno.

The pace of The Sopranos is more like it for a mob movie for today's audience.


Nope. I need a great action scene with explosions every 10 minutes or so for me to enjoy a movie. Otherwise I just stare at my phone while this is on


Agree, although gratuitous nudity is also a requirement for attention keeping for me.


I need constant quips and one liners as well. That's why I enjoy Star Wars: The Force Awakens a lot more than The Godfather.


I never really liked it and always found it kind of boring. I'm about to be 45 lol.


I know younger people who enjoyed The Godfather but they’re intelligent and have good phone discipline.

Most young people now are phone addicted endorphin junkies with zero depth and low IQ.

The Godfather test is a good way of measuring whether someone is fully human or worthless NPC trash.


Well, I'm going to say no. And if they pretend they do, they are lying.

The biggest problem isn't with the film per's that it's been parodied hundreds of times where the most interesting parts of the movie young viewers have seen before they even watch the Godfather.

There's also the fact that for some reason, there's a 45 minute wedding scene in this film. I have no idea why it's there or why it's so long. It's a terrible scene that could've been shortened to 5 minutes and not lost any plot points.
