MovieChat Forums > Enter the Dragon (1973) Discussion > How the hell is this movie rated 7/10?

How the hell is this movie rated 7/10?

Some one seriously how this movie was rated a 7 out of 10? Is this movie not the best martial arts movie ever made?


Hmmm. Around here, a flick needs around 8 to get into the top 250 and close to 9 to make it into the top 10 of all time.

And, ETD is 7.6, today, which is pretty freaking high if you survey the lot on IMDb.

Maybe ETD could earn itself an average of 8-ish someday, with some wider exposure and a possible resurgence of interest.

But you seem awfully shocked at about a 0.5 point potential gap between what is and what realistically could be.

Not a big deal.

I would be pooping "how the hell?" questions if this flick was down in the 5 or lower range...but would expect ETD to be in the 7-8 range, when the tastes of all viewers are polled, considering the nature of the movie and genre.

Kung Fu flicks, after all, aren't the broadest in appeal. Consider the genre something like "horror/slasher" but different. That's why Halloween ain't ever going to be the highest regarded movie, mass market either. Though it serves an ETD like role to its subgenre as well, and likewise rates in the 7s.

I mean, ETD isn't ever going to get the acclaim of, say, a Citizen Kane and so on, regardless of whether you and I personally enjoy ETD more than CK.


i loved this film, but i liked Fist of fury more


ya...i agree pal! ETD is one of the best but i like "the way of the dragon" more..that does not rule out the fact that why this movie should not have entered the top 250...As i see, about half of the movies in the top 250 do not deserve to be there,its an half crapped list.ETD was inspired by the 007 movies and thats not a mistake atleast there should have been a suave looking 'M'..the script could have been much more engrossing,never mind LEE compensated it with flawless fight choreography,the best to this day not giving room for dramatic-ism.i agree,the movie is worth sittin in the top 250


This was a ground breaking, trend setting, grandfather of ALL martial arts films that followed. Everyone, tried to copy Bruce Lee after this. Sure there may be better produced films with better actors, but this film, was a true trail blazer. Every film after this, tried to copy it. And the "silly" faces, and scrams that Bruce Lee makes, were the sh*t. I saw it in the theater, and It was and still is, a CLASSIC.


"This was a ground breaking, trend setting, grandfather of ALL martial arts films that followed. Everyone, tried to copy Bruce Lee after this. Sure there may be better produced films with better actors, but this film, was a true trail blazer. Every film after this, tried to copy it. And the "silly" faces, and scrams that Bruce Lee makes, were the sh*t. I saw it in the theater, and It was and still is, a CLASSIC." - cyberwoff

This. After watching this movie when I was a kid, I wanted to kick something while making those Bruce Lee sounds. This was the coolest experience ever. Unfortunately, the thing I kicked was my mom's glass mirror, which shattered to pieces and got spanked and whipped with my dad's belt.


I have no doubt back in the days it was a grand martial art movie, but like some said, it aint aged well.

I saw this at 5$ the other day in a store, it was on sale but original price was 7 bucks... so i picked it up because i love martial arts movies of the 90s(mostly) but recent ones as well. But to be fair game, im NOT a fan of anything under BLOODSPORT or these years... I watch a few Chuck Norris movies from the 80s and i didn't enjoy them much... one of the main aspect i don't like about old movies are the noise of the kicks and punches... the dubbing if you prefer... this is one thing they truly improved later...

Anyway... so i got it, watched it, and even tough like i said i got to see this movie as a 73 movie... well for today's standard there isn't much to redeem. The story was indeed an old james bond rip off(even the white dude look like bond) , the black guy was hillariously ridiculous, and the fights themselve where good when it came to Bruce kickin ass against random thugs... but the tournament fights where nothing impressive. Last fight is also way too long for nothing. O'hara was super hyped but ended up being a total wuss...

I think personally it is what it is simply for the fact that Bruce died just after finishing it ... if hadn't died... i don't think this movie would had became such a classic.

In any way, i can say this, im glad i saw it, it was totally worth my 5 bucks, i even enjoyed it just because it was Bruce Lee... just the noises he make when kicking and all are fun to watch, but does it deserve such a hight note? Well... by IMDB standard... i don't think so. I mean, most movies rating here, i would rate them 2 highter every time... a movie rated 3... i would give it a 5... a movie 8, for me would certainly be a 10 most of the times...

So well by my standards, its a 7... but by IMDB standards(general perspective) it would be a 5.


Not sure considering it was the film that opened the door to Hollywood Kung Fu films, not to mention how huge it was at the time and how popular it is now.

I guess unless its filled with CGI and Robots people don't care anymore.


I agree 100%! Sadly the newest martial arts film The Man with the iron fists looks average!
"I Am The Ink of Life"



Personally I think it's pretty poor.I'm a massive fan of Lee,but I think it's just praised so much because it was his last film,his break into the US,and the start of western craze for martial arts movies.He doesn't do anything remotely as impressive in this film as he does in his chineese films.And the fact that he's sidelined sometimes for John Saxon and Jim Kelly pisses me off.Just pure ignorance on the part of american filmmakers that they didn't western audiences would like it with a chineese man on his own.

I wish he'd have finished off making Game Of Death instead of doing this.His finished version of that judging by the extra footage that's now available could've been his best film ever.

This is OK to see Bruce in action,but Big Boss,Fist Of Fury,and Way Of The Dragon are him at his best IMO.


I agree. How the hell is this rated 7/10? I'd give it 6/10 at best. There's more cheese in the movie than in a Swiss cheese factory. The storyline is as many already mentioned is a mere James Bond ripoff. There were already 7 James Bond movies around when ETD came out and an 8th on the way, so this was already a way too tired concept.

The acting was average at best and bad more than often. Most people sounded like they were reading q-cards and even having trouble with that. The few characters that were dubbed into English were even worse off. Sometimes the voice actor would still talk while the mouth wasn't moving...that's not something you'd see in a good movie. The sounds were dull and the music cliched and so were the characters.

All in all the movie is average at best and hadn't it been for Bruce Lee I doubt it would even be remembered today. There were way too many martial arts movies made in the 70s and this one would have been just one of many.

I consider anything from 5/10 on here watchable. The current rating which is already leaning towards 8 stars is promising way more than the movie can deliver. That being said: I enjoyed watching it and after almost 40 years it still holds up well enough to be watched, just not to be taken seriously (same goes for many Jackie Chan movies btw).

And just to name two examples of martial arts movies that top this one by far:

IP Man: Movie based on the life of the master of Bruce Lee. Contains impressive and unique martial arts choreography and looks very realistic. The storyline is gripping and probably one of the best a martial arts movie has ever seen.

The Raid Redemption: Indonesian movie that is reminiscent of Die Hard. A unit of Indonesian SWAT have to storm a building filled with thugs. Indonesian martial arts at its finest. Brutal, bloody and looks realistic.

Both movies have higher ratings than ETD. This is a pretty clear answer to the initial question: No, it's not the best martial arts movie ever - not by a long shot. If you search IMDB I'm pretty sure you'll find plenty of martial arts movies with higher ratings than ETD and rightly so.


Agreed. It's not even Bruce Lees best movie let alone the best Martial Arts movie ever.
I rate Way of the Dragon and Fist of Fury (Chinese Connection) above this. Hell, even the 40 mins of Game of Death he shot are above this movie.

Ip Man, excellent film as is the Raid Redemption. Have you happened to see Old Boy?

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


I realize your reply is over a year old by now, but I couldn't help to answer:

Yes, I did watch Oldboy and I love it! It's one of my favorite movies. The fighting scene with the hammer is still a great watch and the overall psychology that unfolds over the course of the movie is just pure awesomeness :)



It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


James Bond movies were never about revenge and the villain usually wants to take over the world whereas Han was a drug dealing pimp, so it's inaccurate to call it a Bond ripoff. This IS the best martial arts movie ever, by a long shot. No other movie comes close. The rating is too low. Anyone who disagrees can eat a dick.


> James Bond movies were never about revenge and the villain usually wants to take over the world whereas Han was a drug dealing pimp, so it's inaccurate to call it a Bond ripoff.

So just because the motivation of the villain differs, it's not a ripoff? Strange, I was under the impression a movie consisted of more than that...

> This IS the best martial arts movie ever, by a long shot.

Because...? Ah yes, because you're a fanboy who can't express himself, but for some reason feels the need to sh!t out his opinion. Seriously, get a book, read it, learn how to lay out arguments and THEN reply. Otherwise you just come off like a moron...

> Anyone who disagrees can eat a dick.

Clarification: A 14 year old moron... Please leave your sexual desires at home. Just because no one wants to blow you, doesn't mean you have to come on to people on the internet...


I completely agree with your assessment of Enter The Dragon in terms of the acting and narrative. Not only did it feel cliche, but at times unintentionally hilarious.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.


return to the 36th chamber is way better, only rated this 4, kinda bored all the way through the movie. oh well

"I collect blondes and bottles" - The Big Sleep


7/10 out of ten is too low.

It is a Bond ripoff in storyline. But it's well done. The only reason people think it's cheesy is the fact that so much of the film is cliche now. There is some other redeeming qualities. It's one of the first films that had an Asian actor as the star. It also featured bonafide martial artists. Lee's character used his brains as well as his fists and feet. And how many other films have a black dude as one of the heroes in 1973?

The reason it has some choppiness to it I think is because it was rushed, and with Lee's passing they couldn't re-edit or redo or fill in any extra scenes.

It's still a classic, and unlike a lot of films, it's fun to watch it again and again.

Besides the problem with a lot of modern martial arts films is there's so much wire work and cgi, the actors do insane things that can't be done in the real world. Enter the Dragon at least has one foot grounded in reality.

Honestly, I can get into Enter the Dragon a lot more than some 70's classics out there.


7.6 isn't too low for a martial arts flick to be frank. It is a respectable score. El Cid and Ben hur type epic films are around this rating.
Of course it would be nice if someone of bruce lees calibre should have a 8+ rating, but its not to be for now.


I agree we should've seen more of Lee in this movie but when he's on screen he really delivers. Still , Kellys scenes were good.

"The acting was average at best and bad more than often"

That's the case with most MA films , they're more about action than dialogue.

007 LALD (which came out same yr) also had a drugs theme.....


indeed and I gave it 10 and want to give 1000
martial arts movies would be completely diferent if Bruce be alive today.
