MovieChat Forums > Scarecrow (1973) Discussion > underated film two brilliant actors

underated film two brilliant actors

does anyone else feel that this is a gem of a movie that has been overlooked over the years.The acting is brilliant hackman and pacino spark off each other


i dont know if its a gem of a movie but it is underated.ive just seen it and i thought it was really great.depressing as s*it though.the final scenes of pacino and hackman are mesmerising.
pacino really is God.


Gene Hackman's "drunk scene" is by far the best acting I have ever seen


Couldn't agree more about Hackman and Pacino on screen. I thought they were absolutely amazing. I'm a huge Al Pacino fan (which is the reason I watched it) but I thought Hackman was the star of the show. *** SPOILER ALERT *** In the moments after Pacino gets beaten up in prison, all you want to do is see Hackman and his reaction to what has happened (as they haven't been speaking to each other for a while). His reaction is everything you want and imagine it to be! Great film.


I thought this film was fantastic, and in many ways about the things we teach others and the things we learn as we move through life. The realism was interesting as well.

The writing was EXCELLENT, acting excellent, editing superb...


Some of my fav bits were: Pacino's meltdown at the fountain...I had this odd feeling after his phone call that something was out of whack.

The scene with Riley was intense...I liked Hackman's measured response.

Anyway--this was a great film to catch on a saturaday afternoon.



i watched it on a tuesday morning... but okay.

Anyways... good film, i was dissapointed by the ending, wanted more closure, but it deffinettly signifies real life well. I cared about the characters toward the end, but i wish i knew what would happen to them, since i cared about them alot.

***1/2 out of *****, sorry for the low rating, 3 is average for me, so it was good. I liked Al Pacino's character. Gene Hackman was great too. Fabulous Acting... i just thought the closure was dissapointing.


the closure was fine... you just need to use your imagination more. you're not one of those people who need "the end" shown on the screen at a theatre to tel you the movie is over do you?

many great movies are about the journey, and where they might be headed... you don't need everything spelled out for you... great movies leave you with some unanswered questions and discussion.

think about it.


The film was a beautiful portrait of two lives coming together by chance and the impact that one life has upon the other.

Gene Hackman gave a fantastic performance as the dominant character, but Al Pacino is no less a figure to watch as well. The development of these two throughout the film during their different trials and tribulations was just layer upon layer brilliant.

Many aspects of the plot were telegraphed, but the joy was in watching the story unfold, even if you thought you knew what was coming. There are many memorable scenes, and as not to act the spoiler here, I would just say to those who have not viewed this film, go and rent it, or catch it on cable.

You won't be sorry.


I agree, meyster7. I actually loved the ending.


Although it's incredibly sad to see lion catatonic at the end, I love how when the lady at the train station asks "Round Trip?", Max pauses a moment and then says "Yea, round trip." In those final lines lies the closure. He doesn't give up on Lion. Throughout the whole movie you question how genuine and honest Max is about the future, until then. I thought it was a wonderful and delightful movie. One of Al Pacino's most creative and funny characters ever. 10 out of 10 for me.

I wanted to punch Annie right in the mouth though...


I saw this on cable, the other night, and so I looked up the BB, here, to see what others thought.

***SPOILERS follow***




I was interested to see that no-one seems to have read into the plot what I assumed to be the case: Pacino's character, the Scarecrow, suffered massive (and undetected/untreated) brain-damage from the beating he took, and he was becoming more and more ill, after they were released from prison. Hence "Pacino's meltdown at the fountain," which jep1970 commented-on.

He added "I had this odd feeling after his phone call that something was out of whack..." Well, no wonder - he's suffering cranial bleeding (or whatever) and finally gets to 'phone his ex-girlfriend, and has to cope with the fact that not only does she want nothing to do with him, but also that his never-seen child, a boy, had been aborted by her. (She lied about this, but of course he doesn't know this.)

No wonder he ended up in a coma!

Great movie. Probably Gene Hackman's best performance, and really cool of Pacino to let his buddy Gene steal so many scenes.



I didn't really get that Gene had stolen some scenes, but maybe that's because I was too busy watching that FOX named Al Pacino!

Great acting to both Hackman and Pacino. Good humor too!



imo, the beating in jail didn't give him brain damage.

Returning home to give his child a birthday present was what kept him going, it was pretty much his reason to live. When his ex-wife tells him that the child was aborted... he's in shock. She makes him feel guilty about it, almost as if it was his fault (the whole "oh i fell down the stairs and nobody was around to help me" story). When he goes to the fountain, and is playing with the little boy he realizes what he missed out on. He realizes what he might of had, had he been there for the mother. He just can't take it, and breaks down. He has a nervous breakdown. And back when this movie was made, when a person had a nervous breakdown they went into a mental institution.

just my 2 cents




I couldn't agree more with you. The acting in this movie is excellent by everyone involved and it is a definitely overlooked movie. I think I know why but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. I don't think that should be a reason for overlooking it though. A Must See Movie




I love the scene where Hackman is dancing with a woman and she asks him what he missed most when he was in prison and he says "Home cooking".

Pity these two haven't made another movie together, yet we get 7 Police academys!

Thought I saw on another site maybe for Hackman that Pacino and him didn't get along for whatever reason.

The 1970s was the golden era for films like these. I mean it just wouldn't sell or work today, whoever the stars were.


"Gene and I are two people not very similar. We had to play a very close relationship, but I just didn't think we were as connected as we should have been. We seemed apart. We didn't have altercations, we didn't hate each other. But we didn't communicate, didn't think in the same terms. Gene and I were thrown together, but under ordinary circumstances we'd never cavort or be friends. It was two worlds - but I have to say that I was as much responsible as he was." - on doing Scarecrow (1973) with Gene Hackman

this is an interview from Pacino about their relationship behind the camera...


I don't think he had cranial bleeding from the beating in jail. If that were the case wouldn't he have died? I think he was just a sensitive, but somewhat unstable guy who went over the edge.


I watched this film over 25 yrs ago, the BBC were showing a season of American road movies on a Sunday evening - Two Lane Blacktop and Easy Rider were part of the season - both excellent movies.
Scarecrow had an incredibe impact on me though, it is one of my top 10 movies.
Unfortunately it has not been shown since and the DVD is not available in the UK, I would dearly love to get hold of a copy of this SUPERB movie.


I'm in the UK too, and have the US Region 1 DVD, but if your player won't play R1 discs, it's worth checking out eBay for PAL videos. They are occasionally available. If you have a VCR that plays US videos it will be easier to get one as they pop up more frequently.
It's one of my favourites too.

“Nobody’s winning. One side’s just losing slower than the other.”


It's been years so who knows? You may already have it but just in case, check the link below;

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.


It is illegal, not to mention immoral, to advertise the free downloading of the movies of an actor you claim to love.

Please stop.


Immoral? Maybe to you but to many people, including myself, we have a different definition of morality. & I only post that link to those (who like myself) without access to the film.

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.


Although this is quite an old thread and was originally started back in September 2003, I have to say that I completely agree with the OP.
I think that when people are asked to name the greatest Pacino films, and the greatest Hackman films, nine times out of ten, this film isn't on either list.
It should be !!
I only wish it would be released on region 2. Otherwise I'm just going to have to get a multi region player.

"If they're beautiful, they're crazy" Woody Allen


I don't think this is a GREAT movie but it's indeed very good, innovative and brings us the possibility of watching two of the best actors of their generation working together.



This is one of those few movies where I was actually impressed by Pacino. He gives one of his rare understated performances in it, but really its Gene Hackman that deserves more respect. That guy has been underrated his entire career.


It's Pacino who is the most impressive here because his role is clearly the more "underwritten" one. The way he fills out what isn't in the script is a textbook case of great film acting.

I'm not saying he's "better" than Hackman - but what he has to do is harder.

Pacino has been understated on film alot (maybe you haven't seen those roles?), but he's also one of the few actors that understands sometimes more is NEEDED depending on the role - that's what makes him the best (arguably) he can do it all - he has an unreal range of gifts and skills.

Being "understated" can be overrated in the general sense - when Pacino goes "big" it's for vividness not overacting (usually).


Some of the greatest acting of all time, atleast from Pacinos. A trult overlooked gem 10/10, its sad that theres so few people who have actually seen it.

Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyle


MY weakness movie, .


Yes... I've been saying that for years.Truly one of the most underrated movies of all time,like you say the acting is brilliant.No high tech special effects or multi colored explosive car chases,just pure talent displayed by two of the greatest actors ever.


man i've gotta see this!!


Man I love this movie, one of my all time favourites! So strange and quirky without being like LOL LOOK HOW STRANGE AND QUIRKY I'M BEING! if that makes sense...


As it's so hard to choose one favorite movie, I always end mentionning "Scarcrow" as favorite. It was my "1st", may be that's why, :-))!


Everybody talks about how great Al Pacino was in the 70s -- acting-wise, no one could touch him. And then they'll mention, of course, his portrayals as Frank Serpico, Michael Corleone in GF and GF II, and Sonny in Dog Day Afternoon. I agree, but I would also cast a vote for Lion's pirate imitation by the fountain in this movie!
