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Wasted potential *SPOILERS* Character ages Good books on her Alternate universe Sarah is so unlikeable Obi wan's age No post on this great show? B. 1977 but 21 in 1997? Reminded me of Austin Powers Unlikable immoral people View all posts >


I guess it depends on the face but it looked great on Valentino too though his part was a bit to the side. What can make a corpse balloon and blow up? Like Mariko said, life and death is the same. Life meant little to them. Yabu insisted that the entire village's life is unimportant. They themselves killed and tortured people for the smallest of reasons, for the slightest perceived provocations, if one loses face, or if it isn't polite. Infants and adults alike are crucified, life and people's dignity mean nothing to them. Dutch, English and Portuguese are all Indo European languages and are interrelated so it should be easy for him to learn it. Another version I saw has 4 episodes, it seems the 10hr show was divided into 3, 4, or 5 eps. Love is not a Western concept, it existed in the Middle East and Southern Asia. By love I'll assume you mean romantic love because filial love existed in the east and other non western nations. How old were you guys when your father mad you read the book? Blacktorne really pissed me off in this scene, he was already warned that if he does not behave, one of his men will be boiled alive. And what does he do? He curses and cusses at him. So a young man had to be boiled for him to submit. Also the character was written to be older beaten down by his history and that was the only issue with this film. Hardy didn't look like he had that history to destroy him, Mel would've been perfect for this. Yeah, she got over her "loves" very quickly, 2 days at most. People are dying around her and all she does is flirt and sleep around. There's a tornado on top of them and all she thinks about is making out with the hot new guy she met just today. She's very unlikable. View all replies >