MovieChat Forums > Little House on the Prairie (1974) Discussion > Imagine using the outhouse in dead of wi...

Imagine using the outhouse in dead of winter

It's 5 degrees out snowing like crazy and you gotta take a crap

No thank you!


Yeah, that had to have sucked. In the cold weather, the family often kept the toilet seat in the house, and brought it out with them when they needed it. Smarter families had a large closet to use, and a chamber pot.

I can picture Carrie with her tush frozen to the seat. That’s the cheapest baby sitter you’re gonna find 😀


I wondered what they were supposed to do that Christmas morning when they were snowed in after drinking pot after pot of coffee. And didn't the dog conveniently disappear during episodes like that?


Yeah the dog was probably stuck in his doghouse snowed in himself.......i also don't think people pooped back in the olden days...


Charles probably just pooped right there with a big smile on his face and when people complained about the smell he probably said "hey be blessed you can smell" and then would wink




Don't have to imagine it. I used to do it during Boy Scout winter camping. NOT FUN.


Now you went and made it all sexy.....


lol I love this topic!


They pissed and pooped in ceramic pots, then dumped them in the privy when it was convenient. What I would hate about a nocturnal trip to the outhouse would be the black widows. Yikes!


There are members of my family (my dad and mom's family...and even my dad and mom themselves) that can remember having to use an outhouse in the winter time. It doesn't sound like it was a good experience either.

I think most people kept a chamber pot in the house for when it would get too cold or too miserable outside to walk to the outhouse.


We used a coffee can. (No. 1 only)


That’s why folks back then used chamber pots. Gross


It may sound strange, but sometimes when I get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, I think of things like that. Especially in the dead of winter when it's snowing or sleeting, I imagine a long,cold trek to the outhouse. (I'd hold it 'till morning!)
My bathroom door is about three steps from my bed and I'm so grateful!
