Am I the only one?

I did not think this movie was very funny at all. I like movies such as The Hangover and Dodgeball, but I think I might have laughed at one scene in the movie but overall it was not very funny at all.


I agree with you. I didn't even sit through the whole thing.

Step aside Butch


Many americans can barely read much less have a good grip on the language. This is why the 3 stooges were invented, so dumb people can laugh too.

What a patronising and ignorant thing to say. It's people like you who give the British a bad name, and you should've capitalised the word Americans.

Britain has just as many education problems as America, particularly in the working class society. Just listen in on a teenagers conversation on a bus or street corner to hear the monosyllabic and almost incomprehensible drivel that they often come out with. Taking into account the much smaller population we have, in terms of ratio, there's probably an equal amount of people in Britain who wouldn't find The Holy Grail funny as there are in America. It doesn't necessarily make you dumb if you hate the film or don't find it funny, it simply means you probably have different tastes.

To the OP, I love this film but thought The Hangover was atrocious, and Dodgeball unbearable, so it's no real surprise you didn't like Holy Grail. It's a polar opposite comedy to your favourites. When it comes to American comedy I'm more an Airplane!, Naked Gun, Blazing Saddles type of guy.


Great post man. And word, naked gun and airplane are the best.

Step aside Butch


I liked (laughed at) every movie you mention but I admit Holy Grail is a completely different type of humor than Hangover or Dodgeball. I would say Holy Grail is more akin to the Marx Brothers (word play for humor) and Hangover/Dodgeball is more akin to the 3 Stooges (more slapstickish). I personally like both.

P.S. Like the word I made up (slapstickish).


Yes, it is possible to love the Stooges, love Monty Python, love the Marx brothers, and even love Benny Hill. It's all gooood stuff!

Every sperm is sacred....


Thank you, Uncle. : )


I like movies such as The Hangover and Dodgeball

Well here's your problem.

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)


Not really that funny.


I think people take it too much on the U.K. vs U.S.A. "rivalry", generalizing "Americans are 'this'" and "British are like 'that'". I found the holy grail really funny, I couldn't stop laughing during some points, I like comedy in general but that's the type I like most. Kind of makes me remember of Mel Brooks' movies(some people will probably want to kill me haha).
I'm not from either country and English isn't my native language, but I enjoyed it.
(Sorry for mistakes if there's a grammar nazi in here...)


There may be movies you find hilarious that I don't. but I'm glad I'm one of the fans because I get so much enjoyment out of it I've watched it many times over the years and still laugh at it.


Yup, you are the only one who didn't think it was funny.


The guy in that castle told Arthur that they already have a Holy Grail.
How is this not more than hilarious?


I agree, but I hated the hangover and dodge ball. I'm more of a classic comedy guy laughing at the stooges and marx brothers, This movie sucked balls though


I personally loved it, and I love Monty Python's humor in general. But I did like The Hangover (didn't like Dodgeball, though). The thing I don't understand about this feud between British people and USAmerican people is this: why do British people (I don't mean everybody, but if you are one of those people, you know) think they are the only ones who can make a satyric movie? Woody Allen is my favorite comedian, and many of his best movies have a very inteligent satyric humor. And if you guys think American Humor is stupid, you should come to Brazil... most comedians over here are idiots, and if you stand in front of TV here, your IQ points begin to drop.
