Two types of people in this world

Those who get the humor of this movie and those who don't. I don't trust those who don't.


haha, agreed.




Yeah right, kevinskogg. Because if something fails in America, it cannot possibly succeed anywhere else in the world.

Think again.

I absolutely agree about the two types of people. I've watched this movie with some of my friends. Some of them instantly declared it the funnies movie ever, while some of them didn't get it all.



actually American Beauty is quite an anti-american film. it's brilliant and definitely worth watching





Do you need an aspirin? Go take a nap or a shower.

-What does it matter?
-It matters! "What does it matter"? I wanna know!


How very interesting, Kevin. You're quite the vulgarian, aren't you?

Welles, Huston, Kubrick, Lynch and Coen


Well it doesnt seem hard to be superior to you though.

I've been vandalized by Elvis! -Ernest, Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)



I fart in your general direction.


You pompous, stuck-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, *beep*-face, dickhead, *beep*

Oh, you English are *so* superior, aren't you?

LOL. Everyone else missed the exact quote.

Otto was deranged in such a fabulously funny way. Love that film.


'this is [English] satire and is almost incomprehensible to americans who like their humour to be very serious [ie stand up and deliver and give points out of 10]

not being nasty to americans but that is just the way it is'

I respectfully submit that I am an American who loves Monty Python, don't judge us all by a handful of trolls.

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.


wow. . . I'm American AND I totally get the humor in this movie!!! How is this possible??


***it is rather strange in Australia where I was "brought up" on English humour in 1950s and 1960s, then later lived both in England and America, that we have changed as a nation in last 20 years so much that young people today in Oz will see these movies as if they were americans***

I have to disagree with the above, my nieces, nephews and their friends ( ages between 12 to 18 ) love this, and they all know it's English, we've also talked about the difference of English and American humour, and these kids get it, and often quote Python.


Those who get the humor of this movie and those who don't. I don't trust those who don't.
agreed, but also 2 types of humour

this is [English] satire and is almost incomprehensible to americans who like their humour to be very serious [ie stand up and deliver and give points out of 10]

not being nasty to americans but that is just the way it is

it is rather strange in Australia where I was "brought up" on English humour in 1950s and 1960s, then later lived both in England and America, that we have changed as a nation in last 20 years so much that young people today in Oz will see these movies as if they were americans

not been back to england for 30 years so no idea if they too have lost their satire

Hi! I'm in my early twenties, from America, AND I think this movie is hilarious! Please get off your English high horse.

"Are you an idiot?"
"No, sir. I'm a dreamer."


He did quite clearly state that he/she grew up in Australia in the 1950/60s and has not been to England for 30 years. It would be difficult for them to get on their high horse for something they admitted they aren't familiar with having not been there for 30 years unless you being american believe that Australia is in England.


not being nasty to americans but that is just the way it is
No, that isn't the way it is. Not remotely.

Maybe it was true that once upon a time, the sense of humor of an entire nation had a single characteristic. But in today's age of mass media, humor has become something of a melting pot, at least between countries who speak the same language, cross-pollinating and mutating into different things that has some aspects of "American" humor (for example) and some aspects of "British" humor. I defy you to look at all the American comedies of the past century and try to assign just one adjective to the type of humor they possess. You will find physical humor, ironic humor, dry humor, goofy humor, absurd humor, satirical humor, sexual humor, juvenile humor, dark humor, tragic humor, sophisticated humor, subtle humor, language-based humor (e.g. wordplay) and probably a few sub-categories I can't even think of at the moment. Hell, forget the last century; try the last decade. Most comedies are not limited to one brand of humor, let alone one entire country. I find your post nonsensical and reductive and to you I sharply say "Ni."

"It was night. I could tell because it was getting dark."




this is [English] satire and is almost incomprehensible to americans who like their humour to be very serious [ie stand up and deliver and give points out of 10]

not being nasty to americans but that is just the way it is

I'm American. Roughly 95% of the people I socialize with are American. 100% of the people I know love this movie and think it's hilarious, and most of those "get it" (the others just think it's funny because it's silly, which it is). I've honestly never met a real person who didn't love this movie.

But you're absolutely right... You're not being nasty... just ignorant and condescending, like most tools on these boards.


I get it and I don't think it was funny since I didn't laugh once. I guess that's a third type...


Actually there are 5 (three) sorry three types of people in the world.

Those who get English comedy, those that don't get it and those that claim they get it and don't find it funny when in reality they don't get it or they find it not funny because they haven't been GETTING IT (wink wink, nudge nudge).

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.


"Those who get English comedy, those that don't get it and those that claim they get it and don't find it funny when in reality they don't get it or they find it not funny because they haven't been GETTING IT (wink wink, nudge nudge)."

Wow you are an idiot. I understand the humor as well, you'd be hard-pressed to find a 6 year old that doesn't "get it", it's just not funny at all. British humor is just ridiculous, just look at Sean of the Dead or any of that idiot's movies, or how about the UK Office. That is just garbage, and the American Office is the best comedy show ever made. Prime example.

I remember you telling me you love terrible movies, so I bought you the LOTR box set.


Wow your reply has all the wit and intelligence of a 4 year old, so I commend you on your spelling, unfortunately your opinion is invalidated by your taste, I tried watching the office once, thank the lord for two things...the remote and the ignore button.

The simple fact that my post went over your head, IE you did not "get it" proves my point.

Oh, what sad times are these when passing tasteless idiotic trolls can say Ni at will to this great film. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history.

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.


Yeah way over my head. I aspire to someday be as wise as you, and appreciate the humor of a small retarded child. I can only dream.



'love this movie but you f-ing idiots have to be more diplomatic'

Nice language! Is that diplomatic? If you can read as well as you fling the F bomb you'll see he started calling people names first. I fart in your general direction.

If someone is rude to me I don't "have to" do anything but be rude back.

Welcome to Earth.

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.


I agree that the american version of the office is much better than the english version.

But english humor is really good. I liked this movie, it isn't as good as fawlty towers in my opinion (which I think is Cleese at his best), but still very good

Just my $0.02


"this is [English] satire and is almost incomprehensible to americans who like their humour to be very serious"

Says who? I love silly comedy, but I cant stand this crap. I Dont see any cleverness in it, just randomness thrown around like a bad episode of family guy.



I am an American who was raised on British comedies so maybe I am biased but really there is no argument here. Basically like the OP said, you get it or you don't.

I really don't understand how you couldn't get it though, perhaps it's just me. Remember though, the Americans who don't get it are the same ones who find no-talent losers like Dane Cook to be funny.


" Remember though, the Americans who don't get it are the same ones who find no-talent losers like Dane Cook to be funny."

all im hearing is "blah blah blah you dont like comedy I like so you must like crappy comedy"

Its all subjective. I get this movie, I just dont think its that funny.


Leave it to the Americnas to FIGHT on the board for a COMEDY!!


No fighting here.

Sorry to the previous poster if I came off rude with my comment, it is all subjective your right. I don't find loud, obnoxious in my opinion, comedians like Dane Cook to be funny but that doesn't mean my taste in comedy is better than yours.


'Leave it to the Americnas to FIGHT on the board for a COMEDY!!'

To fight and win as usual, if by Americnas you mean Americans.

But if you are referring to the sarcastic Americnas from Americnasizistan, I say poo!

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.


You fight with the strength of many men, Sir Knight, but you make me sad.

Welles, Huston, Kubrick, Lynch and Coen


I am fairly certain the americans have never won a war at any point. 'Fight' to means something different in the u.s, just let loose the bombs everywhere and kill everyone you see. Friendly fire being the main aim.


The English version of the Office is by far the best of all the versions and could not have been improved upon. To then say that a version where all the characters go round the office sitting upside down on chairs and reading out jokes from a piece of paper in turns is better is a joke itself. The Office is realistic is what a work place is actually like. Not to mention that Ricky Gervais created the other versions of The Office. Don't say 'english humor is really good' it disgusts me.
Do you think you - coming from a country that still cannot comprehend irony, sarcasm and banter is in a position to decide another country's HUMOUR is very good? Especially when the most popular comedy is Brides Maids which is like torture and rape to all that is comical in the world.


the American Office is the best comedy show ever made.

Please refrain from posting again in this thread. You're making the rest of us look bad.

A fellow American


Your trolling has reached a level that i cannot imagine. Every word could be an insult to anyone anywhere.


I get the humor of this movie. I'm American. I just don't like people who like this movie. They all seem to have a superiority complex, like their humor is more sophisticated. They always seem to be the theater kids in high school. They're always Star Wars fans. They're the bastard side of intellectualism.


^^^ exactly.


'They always seem to be the theater kids in high school. They're always Star Wars fans. They're the bastard side of intellectualism.'

I'm Australian and we don't even have theatre at my school. Maybe drama will be a subject of yours for a semester, but that's it. I haven't even seen ANY of the star wars films, and i still managed to understand this film.
For the record, im a highschool drop out, who smokes a bit of weed. So you were wrong on the generalisation you were trying to make as to the sort of people who get this film.

But my dad told me most of the jokes before i watched the film, so i guess they had already been pointed out for me to realize the humour. Not that it would of been that particularly hard for me at 10 years old, but i guess for some it is...


I am an American and have always thought that this was a classic. Actualy any Monty Python Movie is worth the time to sit through and watch. I remember watching Meaning of Life when it first came out ( and here is an example of the OP Point ) when the lights went out there were 15 people in the theater when it ended only 6 of us were left and all of us were Red Eyed because of all the Tears from Laughing so hard. Of course most of the ones that left took off during the Fat Guy in the Resturant.

Same can be said of Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy book those who get it and those who don't.

Q: How does Soylent Soda taste?
A: It varies from person to person.


This topic is a flamebait.


Then I guess you Don't trust me :(

The sentance below is true
The sentance above is false


Interesting reading the 'Americans don't get it' discussion going on in this thread. I'm an American and I honestly have never met a person that didn't outright die laughing at this film. At the university I went to, we had our own movie theater and at the end of the year we had a massive vote of which movies we'd love to be able to watch on the big screen. Monty Python and the Holy Grail was one of them and the theater was packed.

Seen it dozens of times and love every bit of the humor. All the girlfriends I've had loved it, as did all my buddies. I remember hearing it quoted throughout our high school halls (and this is 20 years after it came out).

I don't know where the idea that Americans don't get this movie comes from.

Lastly, as for humor, there are American shows, comedians, etc I love the humor of, and some I just don't get or can't stand. The same goes with shows from other countries. I think it depends on a person's personality and type of sense of humor more than where they're from.


The idea comes from the american posters in this thread saying it is not funny. That is not hard to see or comprehend.


I know what you mean. I meet so many people, mostly women, who say they didn't think was funny, but I just know they'd bust a gut to keep from laughing if they watched it, and probably leave the room, hand over their mouths, and go somewhere to laugh where no one could see them.I mean, how can you not laugh at this? How is it even possible not to find this funny?

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time
that's not funny!


Those who think, and those who have their thinking done for them.
