Two types of people in this world

Those who get the humor of this movie and those who don't. I don't trust those who don't.


Trust me, I love British comedy. Hell, I love Life of Brian, and that's also Monty Python, but this was just utterly atrocious.

I don't read the script. The script reads me.


"this is [English] satire and is almost incomprehensible to americans who like their humour to be very serious [ie stand up and deliver and give points out of 10]

not being nasty to americans but that is just the way it is"

Yet more proof that many British and Australians who think they understand Americans don't actually know what the hell they're talking about. And the ones who make ignorant pronouncements all the same, like this one, don't show any more intelligence than the dumbest "Amurikin".

And yes, I am an American. And this film is my favorite film comedy. Of all time.


What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


It's not so much that you're inferior. It's just that I'm better than you.


I was joking.

See? ------> ;-D


Oh, superior eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Help! Help! I'm being repressed!


Bloody peasant!

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


And yes, I am an American. And this film is my favorite film comedy. Of all time.
This whole English/American humour thing is so utterly, utterly stupid.

There are American films which ring all the same bells, 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' or 'Harold Lloyd' for instance, can be substituted in every post in this thread without changing the meaning (but making all the people trying to draw the line look rather foolish).

The harsh truth is that satire and indirect humour goes over a lot of people's heads and they don't like it.

In the UK, it's built on foundations created by Chaplin, Miller, Hanley, Milligan and Sellers. In the US it's built on Chaplin, Lloyd, S J Perelman, James Thurber and Joseph Heller.

That's about as big as any divide gets and it ain't geographical.


That's some catch, that Catch-22.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


You, are a very bad man, Yossarian . . .


If we're talking Americans, I'm tenth generation American and I love this movie. Actually for quite alot of Americans their exposure to Monty Python begins and ends with this movie. I think Grail is the best thing the Pythons ever did.



I love generalized crap like this. You realize that when you say things like this, it actually *hurts* your stance, and the stance of people similar to yourself? Being blatantly disrespectful to an entire nation of people for no good reason? It's almost as if British folks carry a gene that allows them to better understand humor, and Americans lack said gene.

Comedy, like all art forms, is subjective.


Yes or it could be the genes and education to discern irony, sarcasm and banter - again.


There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't.


Oh how i love it when things turn into an argument over 2 nations.The fact is not everyone gets or finds certain humour funny,regardless of where they come from.Me and my wife sit and cry at some of the things we both like and find funny,but she wont even entertain python or red dwarf(2 of englands best comedy creations)because she doesnt like the humour.
I do agree that american humour is different to ours,i personally can only think of 3 or 4 U.S films that i find that funny my ribs hurt and i cry watching them,but thats not to say it isnt funny to other people including english people.Yes the wife has the complete collection of friends which has to be the unfunniest thing ever put on air,but thats just my honest opinion,dont hate me cos im english!


Technically, their are really just these two types of people...

1) ameri-CANS!
2) ameri-CANTS!

FACT!!! :D

Royale with Cheese! - Pulp Fiction


