Why? Reasons are not explained

I have so many questions..

1) Why did God want Arthur to search for the Holy Grail, especially since God seems to already have it (so he can show it to Arthur)? Why would an omnipotent being even need some lowly human to do his bidding, when he could just manifest zillion grails without even snapping fingers?

In essence; what is the reason or point for this whole endeavor, what will the Grail be used for? And after Arthur gets it, his existence has no purpose anymore? What happens afterwards?

2) What would God do with the Holy Grail, if Arthur was able to fetch it for him?

3) If God would let Arthur keep the grail, what would Arthur do with it?

4) Why does God give Arthur this quest as 'blessing', when he has no intention of letting Arthur actually FIND the grail, and lets french douches just boss Arthur around and basically bully him? Is this God's will or are the french going against God's will, and if so, why is there no smiting happening?

5) Why does modern police get involved with an ancient historical quest?

6) Why does modern police have more power than God, or in other words, why doesn't God ever HELP Arthur, if that whole Holy Grail quest is his purpose?

7) Surely God can see into the future (or he's pretty powerless and not even near omniscient), so He should see that Arthur will never get the grail, so why even start the whole quest about it?

8) Aren't there more important and better things to contact human beings for, if you are gonna open the clouds and start barking orders at people? What about ending wars, starvation, cultivating peace and harmony together as human beings? What about taking care of the suffering, homeless, starving, etc.? What about ending animal cruelty? What about giving humanity pollution-free energy? But no, some cup that he'll never get is somehow more important to make Arthur waste his life on.

I don't get God's reasoning for all this, it makes no sense to waste all this time and energy when he knows nothing will come out of it, and if he's gonna contact humanity by opening the clouds like that, there must be 8 zillion better quests, tasks or messages to convey...

The whole 'Holy Grail' stuff always mystifies me; why do people chase it so much in stories, and what would they do with it if they caught it? It's like a dog chasing a car, might be entertaining to watch it for awhile, but what the heck is a dog going to do with a car once it catches it?

Yeah, yeah, it's a funny, quirky comedy, but I just wish some things were at least explained logically, because so much of this makes no sense and seems like a waste.

Also, why is there a HORSE in the movie, when the whole point of them not having horses was that they couldn't fit it in the budget? So they had budget for ONE horse, why not let Arthur ride it instead of some anonymous murderer (that couldn't be of Arthur's gang, because all Arthur's people's horses were invisible)?

I mean, I am glad they spared the poor horse and used ('using an animal' is just so wrong) the horse sparingly.

Still, why even HAVE it, and why be so inconsistent with the horse stuff? Did they PLAN to have horses and filmed that scene, and then later realized they don't have the budget, but left it in the movie anyway? The horse makes no sense.

Either have horses, or not have horses, don't try to have it both ways, geez.

Also, they build this whole wooden rabbit without ever discussing the plan until it's ready AND they have already offered it to the french? What? Really? No one was curious? No one asked even one question? This makes no sense, its not realistic whatsoever.

To add, where did they get the power tools in that era? Then again, if it's modern era (as the police scenes show), then why do people live in castles and why is 'King Arthur' even a thing? Why don't we see more modern stuff along the way? Surely 'King Arthur' would have to be used to seeing modern buildings, cars, aeroplanes and such if they really are in the modern era?

How did the vast army, the cops, and other people so easily enter the 'Castle Aargh's perimeter if it was SO hard to find and to get to for Arthur and his knights? Why even go through the whole 'bridge of death' and all, if you can just waltz in there easily or just park yourself to wait in the meadow nearby? Why didn't Arthur go with his army to begin with and avoid all these difficulties?

If Arthur didn't know where his army went, then how can he know exactly where it is at the end and can summon it so easily?

This makes no sense!

Why do they make movies that make no sense. I get it that it's a comedy, but sloppy writing is inexcusable regardless. 'Comedy' shouldn't mean 'anything goes and there's no logic, reason, or sense to anything'.

This makes this movie completely random, when it could have had coherence and believability, now it has exactly zero of each.

It's funny, but it could've been funny AND good movie in other ways as well.


