MovieChat Forums > Jaws (1975) Discussion > I like Hooper because...

I like Hooper because...

When Brody admires his super-mega-poerrful shark-hunting science boat, Hooper is embarrassed to admit that it isn't a university boat, it was paid for with family funds.

Now that's a true scientist! He's not arrogant because he's rich, he's embarrassed he couldn't get a grant!


Dumb post


I admire him for being humble and for pursuing a low-paying, brainy career when he could have just been a lazy trust fund siphon.



Now that's a true scientist! He's not arrogant because he's rich, he's embarrassed he couldn't get a grant!

That's a good one! :D


I like Hooper because...he stuck with Quint and Brody and even though he made a lot of mistakes he was brave enough to go into the ocean in that cage in a vain attempt to save the crew.


And he did it even though he was scared shitless.

Er, spitless.


He ain’t got no spit


In the book, Hooper was more of a gorgeous young hunk...and he had sex with Chief Brody's WIFE...leading to fist fights on the Orca between Hooper and Brody...broken up by Quint!

Hooper's a bad punk in the book...and he gets eaten in that shark cage.

Spielberg and company made two key changes to Hooper:

ONE: Drop the affair with the wife. No personal conflict with Brody, just "professional" at worst. More like friends.

TWO: Don't cast a "hunk." Prospects like Jan-Michael Vincent and Jeff Bridges didn't make the cut. The brainy and shy Timothy Bottoms(The Last Picture Show; The Paper Chase) was considered. But ultimately Richard Dreyfuss got the role.

I think Dreyfuss was a stroke of great casting because he stood in for all the "nerdly" and bookish young guys in the audience. He stood in, I think, for Steven Spielberg too. Hooper could get a little annoying, but he was smart and brave and funny, too.

And that's another reason why we liked Hooper.



Hooper was awful, he should've died.


Thank you. He was eaten in the book. I would pay to see Richard Dreyfus die a slow, painful and humiliating death. Who did he let fuck him to become a star, and who would have wanted him in the first place?


..Hooper drives the boat.
