MovieChat Forums > Jaws (1975) Discussion > Which death disturbed you the most?

Which death disturbed you the most?

I saw JAWS on its initial run back in the summer of 1975. I was only ten, but it was an event to remember. Seeing JAWS now, all these years later, is a very different experience, but still powerful - and disturbing.

Here’s the question: Which one of the on-screen deaths disturbed you the most? I have two answers, as one is seen through a child’s eyes, and the other through adult eyes.

Most disturbing death as a kid: Alex Kintner. Alex and I were the same age, same dark hair, same skinny build, and we both liked being in the water. I could completely feel his fear and pain as he was attacked. (As an adult I can relate to his mother calling out for her child.)

Most disturbing death as an adult: The estuary victim. There’s something so random, so quick, so visceral about this attack. Hearing that man’s terrified screams as he realizes what’s happening is not only horrific, but heartbreaking.

It’s not shown on-screen, but I’d wager if there was a shot of Pipit being pulled under many people would say it’s the most disturbing.


When I was a Kid, Pipit. But as an adult, hands down, the little boy. Because now as a Mom, I can relate to the whole thing of a kid pleading with you to do something after you say no, then reluctantly giving in. And then seeing everyone grab their kid when tragedy strikes, and yours not there. I can only imagine finding out it was your kid that perished. So that scene tugs at me every time I see it, to the point, I leave the room now.


Billy, the ten year old kid. He was just a stupid kid, doing normal stupid kid shit, and he ended up in a shark's belly.

And that's probably because he was the only character whose death was shown to have an aftermath. Everyone else was forgotten as soon as they were gone.
