MovieChat Forums > Tommy (1975) Discussion > ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE MUSIC!!!


I am 15 years old, and I decided to watch this film, but had to turn it off because of how dreadful the music was. I watched this film, because I loved Pink Floyds' The Wall, and it turned me on to their music, and I was hoping this would do the same. Im not saying The Who is a bad band, I'm saying that they should have kept Roger Daltreys vocals in, instead of rerecording them. I later listened to the original Tommy in it's entirety and absolutly loved it, but the new versions completely missed the point of it. The new songs made it sound more poppy, and took away the operatic elements, thus defeating the point of labeling it as a "Rock Opera". I now know that The Who is a phenominal band, but I wouldnt be able to tell by this movie. Rant over.

SIDE NOTE: I am looking for a new Who album to listen to, which is better? Quadrophenia or Whos Next?


Since you used upper case and 3 exclamation points it must be so.

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


@ Libertarian, August, jelly, and all above:

He's not nearly 18, he's past it.
Maybe he wanted to reach out?
Pretty hard to do with everybody still bitchin' about his age.

Has anyone of you self-centered shmucks even noticed that the OP has left a message 9-10 pages up, telling you he's 18, and can he please have his own opinion, now?

This "kid" is more mature than ten (or more) of the &£%×#'s still so into spouting off "advice", that you haven't realized he's had the maturity to sit back and let everybody 'speak their truth'. Then he's come back quietly and said "OK, I waited, can I have my own opinion, now?"

But everybody's so busy seeing their own majestic thoughts being hoisted up the flagpole, that no one has stopped to give this young man a salute.

It's shameful. So many "grownups", "experts" shouting in the wind, (Somebody actually said this: 'I am a snob, and deservedly so, as I am a Music Critic and Historian.' - OMG Sersly?). Meanwhile, this wise young man kept quiet for 3 YEARS, while all the mature monkeys threw their feces at each other, so 'the kid' can learn how real music lovers actually behave.

So involved were you shrieking and baring fangs, not one had noticed that reiswig789 had quietly returned. But all were too busy beating their own chests to even fuc£!ng notice.
Music Lovers, Pha! If you love music, share it, don't argue about it.

Ahhhh....There, rant's over, I feel better, don't you?
Hope reiswig789 does. Admirable young man.
A 3 year punch line? He's a winner.

To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered. - Voltaire


You may do better with High School Muscial.

The longest line is never outside the best restaurant.
Stanley Kubrick


I absolutely agree with you. I was a teenager when the movie came out, and had been in love with the album for years. I was so excited to see the film, and so repelled by its excrescences. I've watched it a couple of times since, and have yet to find any real value in it. Daltrey, as another poster notes, is the voice of the Who, and the pitch-impaired Oliver Reed and Jack Nicholson can only do harm to the wonderful songs.

Those who said you were too young to have an opinion overlook the fact that once upon a time, when rock was new, it was the young who embraced it; once upon a time the fans of the Who were your age (like I was when I first "became aware"). All hail to the young of the world - rock was once their personal possession and a statement of their youth and their reality.

I teach Tommy now to my university students, as a brilliant modern example of a hero/quest story. It has all the tropes of the monomyth (as defined by Joseph Campbell). But I make sure to tell my classes to listen to the original album, not watch the movie. The movie is an abomination.
