MovieChat Forums > Burnt Offerings (1976) Discussion > Things I learned from watching Burnt Off...

Things I learned from watching Burnt Offerings

1. When some starchy old hag tells you that a house takes care of itself, don't bother questioning or even laughing at the inanity of that statement.

2. When your former wife turns into a scary old witch, stand there in horror, scream like a bitch and leap out the window to your death.

3. When a house is tumbling above you, stand there and don't bother to run away from the rubble and debris.

4. When your wife rejects your sexual advances, just accept it and take it hard instead of slapping the snot out of her.

5. When some effeminate old codger in a wheelchair acts condescending to you, your wife and son, say nothing in defense and let him get away with it.

6. Always do what wifey-poo desires. Even if she wants to rent some secluded and creepy old mansion in the hills owned by weirdos.

7. Tell your son that you are going to fetch his mom, but first say only his name, walk to the other side of the car. Honk the horn twice and then finish your sentence.

8. When your dad tries to drown you in the pool leaving you terrorized and mortified, always forgive him and blame it on the pool.

9. When your wife orders you never to visit the upstairs room of the old lady, obey her regardless if you were nice enough to let the bitch move in against your wishes.

10. Always let the wife run the show and act like a doting fool in the process until your mind snaps leaving you catatonic and incontinent.


What? Are you crazy? These things are very bad complaints about the filming style not about the story or anything substantial. Some of these things are clearly addressed in the film.


Dear Vortexder and Heywood:

You two suck. I mean you really are stupid. I've watched this flick at least a couple dozen times out of guilty pleasure and I'm also an Oliver reed fan. So that explains my addiction. But every person I watch this film with complains of how it wreaks of stupidity. The examples I show are not bad complaints. They are legitimate "Common Sense" peeves that any reasonable person with half a brain would relate to.


Look, I really don't care if you hate the movie. When I began watching it, it looked lame to me as well because of the ugly color palette, those ugly green colors, ugly wallpaper, and a general outdated cinematic style that seems kind of "lo-fi", or intentionally dull, whatever you might describe it as.
But I know a movie is good when I ignore its ugly appearance and cannot stop watching to see what happens, and which makes me think about it afterward.
In fact I read on wikipedia about this movie, and when it came out the opinion of critics was divided. Some totally hated it, like Roger Ebert, while someone really liked it. For me it makes sense since I very often disagree with late Roger Ebert's opinion on movies.


Well I share your indifference about Roger Ebert. He was too subjective and politically biased for my tastes. But I thought the movie was atmospheric and beautiful looking in its own way. The overall claustrophobic mood and lighting was appropriate. But the dialogue, nuances and inexplicable character development didn't jive. I like Oliver Reed and Burgess Meredith gives a great cameo, but there is little explanation given as to why Ben and Davey do not address the problems rationally.

I mean, come on! Blaming the pool for your father's abusive tirade? Even a kid knows better than that.


So what this tells me is that the idea of "SUPERNATURAL" events and occurrences seems to elude you completely. Your totally linear and logical thinking pretty much limits you to watching "stab and slash" movies where the idea of a killer is obvious and understandable. Something that you cant see literally sucking the life out of you or controlling your "logical" thinking is something you can not conceptualize..... hence you cant enjoy this movie.


4. When your wife rejects your sexual advances, just accept it and take it hard instead of slapping the snot out of her.



2. When your former wife turns into a scary old witch, stand there in horror, scream like a bitch and leap out the window to your death.

Did he jump out of the window or did she throw him out of it? Because when he was backing away from her it looked like she was getting up out of the chair.


I think, as is evident from the pool scene at the start, and the middle of the movie, the evil entity tried to affect him as well by trying to make him have some sort of nervous breakdown and eventually total meltdown. If you notice, somehow it had the power to make that aunt/relative, whoever she was, sick. Then remember how he sees hallucinations when he see a hearse drive up, and the driver wheel in the coffin. It was probably just the medics with the transport bed on wheels. So when he jumped out, it is most likely because that "reborn" woman could control his mind somehow, probably partially because it made him think his wife is gone.


1. When some starchy old hag tells you that a house takes care of itself, don't bother questioning or even laughing at the inanity of that statement. Figure of speech perhaps.

2. When your former wife turns into a scary old witch, stand there in horror, scream like a bitch and leap out the window to your death. He was thrown by the hag or the house.

4. When your wife rejects your sexual advances, just accept it and take it hard instead of slapping the snot out of her. Real men have no need to hurt the women they love.

5. When some effeminate old codger in a wheelchair acts condescending to you, your wife and son, say nothing in defense and let him get away with it. Him being old (and perhaps senile) is one answer. The fact he owns the home you want to rent is another to keep your mouth shut and be respectful.

6. Always do what wifey-poo desires. Even if she wants to rent some secluded and creepy old mansion in the hills owned by weirdos. And why not?

9. When your wife orders you never to visit the upstairs room of the old lady, obey her regardless if you were nice enough to let the bitch move in against your wishes. Where was it stated she forced him into renting the house?

We've met before, haven't we?


If you fail to comprehend the logic and rational questions I posed, a crappy movie like this is made for people like you, Vatteanda.

9. When your wife orders you never to visit the upstairs room of the old lady, obey her regardless if you were nice enough to let the bitch move in against your wishes. Where was it stated she forced him into renting the house?

Are you kidding? Did you watch the movie? Marion totally gave this guy grief until he agreed to moving into that broken down death trap.


If your wife rejects your sexual advances, you should slap the snot out of her? Well, that's domestic violence and rape. A woman-even a wife-can say no at any time for any reason she wants. I sure hope you attempt this on the right kind of woman who in turn knocks the crap out of you in self defense and then presses charges. I'm betting if you ever have a long term relationship, things will not go well for you. I sure hope not with that attitude and those ideals!


No kidding! Rage issues, much?

- Forgo average pool games like Marco Polo and try a new on called Drown The Kid.

- Take a nice family family vacation that consists of cleaning a gigantic mansion, hitching rides from a chauffeur from Hell and getting tossed out a window before ending up in a windshield.


When you rent a mansion for a whole summer in the middle of nowhere you are required to do all the housekeeping, maintenance and heavy yard work... and take care of the supposed elderly woman who lives upstairs. What a deal!


I agree with most of what OP says. This movie is full of what either Siskel or Ebert (I can't remember which) used to call something like "the stupid plot," where the advancement of the plot depends on people acting stupidly and being oblivious to obvious signs of danger. I sort of enjoyed this movie, but a lot of it was spoiled by the inexplicably stupid behavior of the characters, even at the beginning of the movie before the house had started to exert its influence.

Just as an example, when the aunt becomes obviously terribly sick, and the husband is extremely concerned but unable to get through to a doctor on the phone, he comes back upstairs and acts like nothing else could possibly be done! Any normal person would just load the old lady into the car and take her to a damn hospital.

Maybe we should add this to the "things I learned" list: If a family member is dying in agony and your phone doesn't work but you have a car in running order, you should just sit uselessly by her bedside until you have hallucinations about a creepy chauffeur and she dies.


Haha! Good ones. Thanks for pepping up this dreary chapter of praise for a boring, predictable movie.

I'd add these:

1. If a tree falls across the road in the path of your escape, just keep bashing the car into it. It won't even leave a dent and takes up another five minutes of required movie run time.

2. If your boy starts to grow up to be a wimpy, whiny, annoying bee-yotch, begin testosterone treatment before it's too late.

3. If you're expecting a doctor to treat your grievously ill aunt, but a hearse driver from your childhood shows up instead, just sit there, trembling. Eventually he'll go away and she'll be fine.
