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KutWrite (1238)


SEASON ONE FINALE - The Used-Car Guy (SPOILER) Maika Monroe The Title (SPOILERS) Lester Gass, the Midnight Misogynist - S Clay Wilson murderer-character Symbolism of the Chicago Sculpture (SPOILERS) Social Conditioning for Us? What Do You Think He Did Next? SPOILERS Your Favorite Actor/tress? SPOILER: Who Else Disputes Tom's Version? Now I Think with a French Accent! View all posts >


I agree with the OP up until the end. Pacino staring into the mirror looks changed, yes, but in a dangerous way. I don't think he killed the neighbor, James Remar's character did (great to see him in an early role). But when Nancy puts on the "cruising" gear, we see it's much like the killer's getup. How would Pacino's character react to seeing that? The very next scene gives us the answer. The same tugboat on which the mate spots the body part "cruises" into view. We know he's going to spot another floater, and it'll be Nancy. The "making of" and interviews never mention Sam acting in the film. I took it as intentional as to her customers vs. Travis. In life, Ms Kinski has a strong German accent. I grew up with German parents, so I can spot the variations right away. I only caught a bit of it, so I think what we heard was what she and Wenders intended. With that in mind, I found it interesting that Ann had a strong French accent, and that Dr. in the beginning had a German one. When I lived in Texas, I don't think I heard a French accent at all, and German only in the Bier Gartens in New Braunfels, a German-settled city. Stanton added a lot to this film... and all the others in which I've seen him (e.g. Missouri Breaks). I believe he trained at the Actors' Studio... with either Nicholson or Brando as I recall. Not that that means a whole lot, other than the company in which he ranks. To me, this is a European film. Their values and expectations vary from ours in the US. With that in mind, I enjoyed its introspection and revelations. Stanton certainly was the centerpiece of that, by design, I'm sure. Sam Shepard wrote this in two different periods. The last hour he added... over the phone as I recall. I can appreciate Shepard's skill, but his writing is not my preferred style. I'd still give this film a 7.5 out of 10 on my personal scale. It'd be higher if it had more motion to it, but that wasn't the production team's intent. Traditionally, green represents jealousy. I think it's also a color of calm and stability... also when it's time to "go." There's an interview with Wim Wenders and his cinematographer on YouTube. He explains the colors further because he had multiple intentions for each. OK. Thanks. Best answer here! The end of Season One of "Fargo" struck me the same way. SPOILER! Gus, the mailman who kills Malvo at the end by breaking and entering his cabin and shooting the immobilized, weaponless hit-man five (?) times is not only not prosecuted or fired, he's given a medal for heroism. Neither one fully ruins an otherwise OK (Lookout) and excellent (Fargo) story. Yes. For me it was enough of a stretch that the gang would entrust a key part of their plan to such a person. The bigger plot hole is at the end. The vengeful, lawless, opportunistic, sadistic, conviction-hound FBI wouldn't jump on an easy conviction and throw the book at this guy? And the banker he helped victimize (his bank will lose a lot of accounts due to lax security and hiring screening) gives him a roughly $30k loan after? Nah. I figure even Lewis would want to stay clear of him. I took it that she had plenty of her own "juice" from her husband's and her empire pre-Varga. Since Varga actually did set aside wealth for Emmit in a foreign shelter, I assumed he did the same for Goldfarb, who was a willing participant and added value to the enterprise, unlike Emmit, who was a draftee. "Goldfarb" in German/Yiddish means "color of gold." Reminded me of the KC mob guy in another season, named "Mr. Gold." View all replies >