Stanton's peformance

I believe it is one of the all-time greatest film performances to have received no award recognition. What say you?



Thanks! That's the best laugh I've had all day.


It was brilliant. Awards are not vital for art, they are just bonuses and usually of little value as the way they are given is almost always corrupt and unethical.


Awards today are just recognition for diversity, inclusivity, and wokeness. It wasn't that bad in 1984, but awards have never been just for merit.


Stanton added a lot to this film... and all the others in which I've seen him (e.g. Missouri Breaks).

I believe he trained at the Actors' Studio... with either Nicholson or Brando as I recall. Not that that means a whole lot, other than the company in which he ranks.

To me, this is a European film. Their values and expectations vary from ours in the US. With that in mind, I enjoyed its introspection and revelations. Stanton certainly was the centerpiece of that, by design, I'm sure.

Sam Shepard wrote this in two different periods. The last hour he added... over the phone as I recall. I can appreciate Shepard's skill, but his writing is not my preferred style.

I'd still give this film a 7.5 out of 10 on my personal scale. It'd be higher if it had more motion to it, but that wasn't the production team's intent.
