Really disappointing

Given the great cast and the the pedigree of John Sturges and the writer Tom Mankiewicz I was expecting much better. I think it was a huge mistake to tell the story from the perspective of the Germans. The first hour was much more than needed to setup the final hour and there was never anybody to root for. The story plays out like you should be rooting for the Germans. My interest perked up when Larry Hagman started out on his mission to save the day but unfortunately that came to end rather quickly. It made me think this movie would have been more enjoyable as a comedy in the vein of M.A.S.H. Anyway it puts the viewer in an odd position if they are fans of any of the big name actors Caine, Duvall, etc. cause they are all bad guys. I feel like this was a really big missed opportunity and should have been much better.


Not disappointing at all. It's an unconventional WW2 flick. We know the Allies are going to win the war and the movie repeatedly stresses that Germany is on the verge of losing, not to mention we know Churchill will not be captured by the Germans and, therefore, the mission will fail.

As such, enjoy what the film has to offer: Col Steiner (Caine) is to be admired for his bravery & nobility despite being on the wrong side. He's clearly not fond of the Nazis and is pissed when he discovers what they're doing to the Jews, not to mention is willing to throw his life & career away to protect a single Jewess on an angry whim.

The movie sorta thrusts the viewer into the middle, presenting both perspectives and the tension thereof. The right side wins, but its interesting seeing the viewpoint, character and motivation of the other. It has a good sense of balance instead of presenting all Germans as inhuman monsters.


Stick to one dimensional movies like SPR where the Allies are all heroes and the Germans faceless guys to shoot at.

Believe it or not……A Lot of German soldiers fought with honor and dignity in WWII…regardless of what their government had in terms of political goals.

Michael Caine’s Kurt Steiner and his men were Fallschirmjäger paratroopers…who were known for their elite status and professionalism.

If the movie makes you uneasy because it portrays German soldiers as humans with their own hopes and fears…well congratulations you just saw a realistic war movie…and not a propaganda flick.


I agree. A waste of a talented cast.
