That wig they made Jodie wear was just unforgivable. I know it's not a big plot point or anything, but it was so distracting! I'll watch anything with Foster in it, I've liked her a long time. But this movie was not really what I thought it would be. The description made it sound like she was evil and running around killing people. The performances were good enough for me to finish it, especially Scott Jacoby, he was hilarious. I just wish it was a little more... interesting.


I know. I was wondering why they had her wear a wig too. I'm guessing it was because her hair was still too short for the look they wanted for her character.

The scene where she gets rained on after burying Mrs. Hallet, the wig is so obvious.


You are not completely wrong here. Jodie Foster just came from filming Bugsy Malone, where she had very short and bleached blonde hair, twenties style. Koenig's Rynn had long hair (and not blonde) and so the wig came in...or better the wigs, because (according to TLG's director) at least three different are used for the movie. I guess if you like the movie you already noticed. Also the make up style changes a bit thru the film. Some fans found not less than seven different Rynns. Over all I don't think the wig is a big issue, the more I think Foster's Rynn 'becomes' with all these little inaccuracies.


Reviewing the nude scene and the way it was shot in the movie, gives me the impression that the wig covered almost all the face in the side view (to hide the fact that it was a body double - her real life sister). I think this may have been the deciding factor in the use of a wig.

nobody lives forever...


Actually it was only because of her bleached blonde short hair. As long as both Foster sisters have aprox. same hair length they could make up and style them to look almost identically. You might google Taxi Driver behind the scenes pictures for that. Unfortunately (Well, depends on who you ask) Connie's scenes didn't make it into TD's final edit. In fact it would have lead to the same result as in TLG, where JF complained about the nude scene she didn't like for the movie because people might think it was her (and some other reasons I will discuss on the future TLG site) It's not known yet if Scorsese or someone else decided that the 'sex' scene for Taxi wasn't necessary. At least I've never heard it was her or her mother who backed down. Admittedly there is a difference between acting real nude and acting as if you perform sex stuff on someone else.
PS. If you look closely you will notice that she kind of stops undressing when she walks towards the camera. Once made a slowed down video of that moment but can't find it right now. I like these little mistakes and the details --of which TLG has plenty to discover :)


I am sorry, but are you saying it was Jodie Foster herself and not her sister in that scene?

nobody lives forever...


No, it's Connie. What I meant was that they didn't need the wig to hide anything in that scene. Film people know exactly what passes unnoticed. I guess without knowing how it was done a number of people don't realize they saw a different person. They seem to keep it simple when making movies. And isn't it you could swear poor Alexis Smith was hit by that heavy door? No way they used a stunt woman, just Bang! and nosy Ms Hallet is no more. Except it wasn't the same door.

I'm always amazed how often 'that' scene is mentioned and discussed. Or the damn hamsters. While another, real creepy scene of TLG has no double and no trick and nobody seems to care. Maybe it's because it has no nudity.


Which creepy scene do you mean? When Frank reaches down the front of her dress?

I figured that was a body double. He gets a pretty good feel.


I knew there had to be a "wig" post here. lol It was horrendous! lol When she bent her head over, you couldn't see her scalp where the hair was parted. Those wigs back then were in bad shape. Plus the color and the texture wasn't normal and they had over 1,000,000 budget.


I could ignore the a point. It didn't distract me, but yeah it wasn't the best. It does make me wonder, even in the mid '70's one could probably find a better wig. Oh well!


I'm really bad at spotting wigs and toupes and even I noticed. And it was distracting. Reminded me of the wigs they made Hayley Mills wear for 'The Parent Trap', only that had been 10+ years prior.

It was so obvious and distracting, it almost seemed like they did want you to notice, but to what end I have no idea.


"I know it's not a big plot point or anything".

It's not a "plot point" at all.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan



You should give the entire Reagan quote, though. It gives the opposite sense than the edited version.


People should leave this things out entirely. They have NO bearing on the subject material or the movie.


I just saw this film tonight for the first time. I saw in the trivia section or whatever that it is actually Foster's older sister who does the nude scene. Her hair looked very natural so I'm thinking they made Jodi wear that wig to match her sister's hair. Who knows but it was a horrible wig!!!!!!


That wig they made Jodie wear was just unforgivable. I know it's not a big plot point or anything, but it was so distracting!

That Rynn wig was definitely too coarse and a weird color for human hair. It seemed like the costumers didn't even try to style it until the last 1/3 of the movie. That thing on her head made Frank's comments about her golden hair into laugh lines.

The funny part is that it wasn't even the worst wig I've seen on a leading lady in a movie. I swear one of Taryn Manning's characters was wearing a skinned Muppet. Talk about distracting.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


It’s not even the worst wig Jodie wore in a movie. Check out her wig in The Accused.
