MovieChat Forums > Jesus of Nazareth (1977) Discussion > If Christ actually existed, he would be ...

If Christ actually existed, he would be an ARAB...

...not a white caucasian man, as depicted here!


He might look like an Arab, but he wouldn't be an Arab any more than a Dutchman would be a Pole or an Italian, just because they share a pale skin color. The Hebrews were a related, but separate Semitic people.


Genetically speaking there was very little difference between the Israelites and the Arabs. The Israelites were just Arabs who rebranded themselves and made up a back story to stake a claim to the land they occupied. We are God's chosen people and He gave us this land ! Yeah, sure thing...


Genetically, there is not much difference between Greeks and Macedonians, between Dutch and Belgians, between Czechs and Croats. They're still not the same peoples. Levantine Jews of the 1st century BC were not Arabs, although they were a very closely related people. But people who insist on characterizing them as Arabs... Well, that smacks of an anti-Western bias. The Semitic Jews of that period weren't white, western Europeans either, of course. But Christianity became the dominant religion of western Europe during the late Roman Empire, and has remained so ever since, and has therefore developed an extremely close cultural association with western Europe, especially since so many formerly Christian lands in the Middle East and north Africa were violently conquered by Islam and became alienated from Christendom. So this curiously strong determination to distance Jesus as far as possible from the West ethnically... It strikes me as a manifestation of that guilty white liberal self-loathing that seems so ready to denigrate Western civilization and undermine all its traditional institutions.


So this curiously strong determination to distance Jesus as far as possible from the West ethnically... It strikes me as a manifestation of that guilty white liberal self-loathing that seems so ready to denigrate Western civilization and undermine all its traditional institutions.

I think it's also an equal part of false perception by leftists who think white Christians would somehow care what color of skin Jesus had and would either defend the indefensible or hate Jesus if he was proven not to look western European. Either way they think it somehow bothers them. Strange crowd those leftists.


Jesus didn't come from Arabia, why the hell would he be an arab?

If Muhammad actually existed, he would be a JAPANESE!


Jews are white.


Ashkenazi Jews are white because they are Europeans. Sephardic Jews are brownish because they are Arabs.


You got it. People shouldn't really speak of Jewish as an ethnicity. The ethnicities are Ashkenazi, Sephardic et al.

Most American Jews are Ashkenazi from Eastern Europe. The old people speak Yiddish, a Germanic language.

Sephardic Jews are from North Africa.




He would be jewish. And both jews and arabs are caucasians, and their color can range from white to brown.


IF Christ existed? Virtually all scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus was a historical figure and consider the idea that he may not have existed at all to be a fringe theory.


A sad example of the the progressive left being indifferent on such fundamental matters; consumed instead on race and a scorecard of which skin color deserves recognition or condemnation.


One of the worst mistakes that modern people make, due to their complete ignorance of history, is that they look at the people living in a place RIGHT NOW and assume that the same type of people must have lived there ALWAYS.

Of course such a thing could not be further from the truth. Humans migrate, empires expand, empires collapse. The middle east today is largely Arab because of the rapid and quite recent expansion of Islam throughout those territories. Prior to this, when Jesus was alive, completely different types of people lived there.

Turkey is a perfect example: today it is 99% Muslim. However it's also home to the worlds largest Christian Church (now a Mosque I think, but you get the point). It was once Christian, now it is Muslim. The Christians did not covert, they were expelled and exterminated.
