MovieChat Forums > The Love Boat (1977) Discussion > Inappropiate Behaviour by the Staff

Inappropiate Behaviour by the Staff

The Pacific Princess has to be the only place in the world where it is considered acceptable for employees of a business to hit on customers. It was a funny show but all of them would have been fired at any place I ever worked at.


That's why it's TV.

I asked my mom how "Mr. Ed" was able to talk. "It's TV, honey."


It was really peanut butter under his lips


Except it wasn't. The peanut butter story was a fabrication of the actor that played Wilbur.


So the horse did really talk?


It would seem so.


Well it was the 70s and early 80s....very laid back time, especially for cruise ships. Today it would be known as The Harassment Boat but back then it was all love baby.


I don't know, I constantly hear stories about cruise ship crew members getting cosy with passengers. Although relationships among the crew seem to be more common.


It was a different time. Men and women actually liked each other and people weren't as easily upset. If someone hit on you, you declined. As opposed to now where they get all upset and start posting on Twitter etc rather than going to the cops and actually being expected to prove something.


I went on a cruise a few years ago. There were two of the crew who were obviously a couple. The singer in one of the bands also would hit on passengers, it was pretty blatant.

It was a TV show though and it would have been pretty boring not to see the crew interact with guests even if it was inappropriate which at the time, I don't think anyone really got outraged about.


What a sad life you must have - consenting adults don't have the right to choose who they can be with.


Hit on customers? The captain not only hit on a customer, but he basically forced her into his cabin and groped her. True, the 'she' in this situation was really a man pretending to be a woman so he could get a cabin. But the captain didn't know that! This show needs to be canceled and removed from all memory!


I used to fantasize that Julie McCoy would have some of that inappropriate behavior with me!
