Candle On The Water

My favourite thing about Pete's Dragon is Helen Reddy's beautiful song "Candle On The Water". It's one of the prettiest Disney songs and yet one of the most under-rated. Anyone else love it?



Helen Reddy Was about a million times better than the Movie


I'm listening to it right now. Have loved it since I first saw the film when I was really little.


I have had this song and all of the songs from this movie on record, then on tape, then CD, and now on my computer and of course on my iPod [for the last 10 years]. . . . Brazzle Dazzle Day, Candle on the Water, Bill of Sale, and There's Room for Everyone in This World, are Helen Reddy's best contributions to this movie. It's a shame the remake is not a sequel and an even bigger shame it won't have singing. Disney is for kids and families! Everything from them used to be G. PG and above movies used to be separate companies. . . .


I'm with you all. The song is magic. Rare combination of spirit, music and cinematography. I love most Disney songs but this one stands out.


I left a post on this song already, but since this one is dedicated to this song, I'll post another one...

My mother, who is gone now, sang this song in church on memorial day, 1991. She sang the song as a dedication to all the soldiers that were fighting the Gulf War and for their families who were waiting for them to come home, some of whom would not come home. Every time I hear this song and think of the troops in Iraq, it brings a tear and a lump to my throat. Thanks for letting me post this...


My dad's in the military, and has been away from us for about six months. He's not in Iraq, thank goodness, but he still doesn't come back till October/November, and when he does visit this summer, I'll only see him for a couple of days before I have to go to my first job. When I listened to Anneliese Van Der Pol's version on DisneyMania 4, I found myself thinking about him and tearing up. I miss my daddy.

I believe in happy endings.


Thank you to you and your family for sharing your daddy.


Wow. Thats beautiful. I've loved that song for years, but after hearing your story I'll never hear that song the same way again! Thank you.


That's so beautiful...

Man, now I'M crying.


Yeah I like a lot of Disney songs but this one really does stand out. It's a beautiful song and Helen Reddy (Nora) sings it so well. It's one of the best songs in this classic Disney film.


who sings it and to who?


I love "Candle On The Water."
When I was a freshman in college, a band I was in did a cover to it. We didn't want to turn it into something it wasn't meant to be (loud, aggressive, etc.) so we did a Velvet Undergound-esque cover to it using just guitars, violin, and drums. I wish I recorded it.


Helen Reddy sings it to her lost love while staring out to sea from the lighthouse.


Nora (Helen Reddy) sang it as a cry-out for her long lost husband at sea.


I used the idead behind this song as a short story that has yet to be published.


i owuld like ot read it.


I have loved Pete's Dragon since I was a little kid and I always wanted to watch it over and over again (I think I drove my parents crazy). Candle on the Water was and still is one of my favorite songs from the movie.


I liked all the songs in this film... I remember growing up with it...

I recently aquired it again, (Im 23 and havent seen it in over 10 years) and I love it. Especially the song "Bill of Sale"

My girlfriend is pregnant and I want my child to grow up with this film too...


I love that song! I had to sing it for chorus 2 years ago. And whenever I listen to it now, I always cry.


I have a little story of my own. I've seen this movie so many times, I know the song by heart. When my mom was bringing home a 6-month-old Boston Terrier (that weighed about 5 pounds at the time. Seriously, she was this tiny little thing with huge eyes that would only sit there and stare at the world in terror) that was a rescue puppy from a puppy mill, the dog (her name is Zolie) was afraid of everything. The only thing I could think of doing was to sing Candle On The Water to her all the way home. Now, whenever she gets upset, my mom has me sing the song to her, and it calms her down every time. Sometimes it actually puts her to sleep! It's a potent song, all right.


This was always one of my favorite Disney songs. Pete's Dragon has always been one of my favorite Disney movies, really, I still love it at 22.

Didn't "Candle On The Water" win an Oscar? I thought I'd read that somewhere, but I could be wrong.

But why is the rum gone?!


It was nominated for Best Original Song, and the whole film was nominated for Best Original Song Score (both in 1977), but sadly, it won neither.


This song is my favourite thing about the movie. I agree, it is a very underrated Disney song. It's gorgeous though and lovely to just sit and listen to.


This was one of mine & my brother's favorite movies when we were children. It was before VHS movies, but we saw it at the theatre more than once. Then our Mom bought us the soundtrack (on vinyl of course!)
We knew the songs by heart and when the VHS came out we wore out two tapes. We're in our 40's now but we still adore this movie.
When I bought the DVD I sent him message to tell it was going to be a "Brazzle Dazzle Day". He messaged me back that, "He'll always be my 'Candle On The Water'". All together now, awwwwwwwww
Oh yeah, we even had the songbook that had all the lyrics & music that could be played on our home organ!!


