Candle On The Water

My favourite thing about Pete's Dragon is Helen Reddy's beautiful song "Candle On The Water". It's one of the prettiest Disney songs and yet one of the most under-rated. Anyone else love it?


Absolutely, I love it! I remember seeing the film about once as a child, but I didn't really get into it. (I think I must've still been a little too young to follow it well or something, because I love it now). Therefore, I didn't know any of the songs except "It's Not Easy," but only because it was on an audio cassette, The Best of Disney Vol. 2. In 7th grade, however, I got a Disney song book for Christmas, and "Candle on the Water" was one of the songs in there, so I learned it from my Disney book, and it did not take long for it to become one of my favorite Disney songs.

If you love Jesus Christ 100% (and He is #1 in your life) copy this and use it for your signature.


"Music comes from within, from your heart, and from your soul"

It is a beautiful song, definitely my favourite song from the film.


I watched this film a lot a as a kid and when it was released in the Netherlands a few weeks ago I immediately bought it. We've been watching it yesterday, but this scene wasn't in the movie.

Has it been cut out just for the European release or has this scene never made it to the final cut?


It was cut out of the 1984 re-release, from what I understand. Depressing, I know.


It is depressing. I now realise I've been watching the wrong version every time I watched it! .... And this is the one they've just released here! :(
I suppose there is no way of watching the first version.


I don't know about the 1984 release, but the version I bought earlier this month has that scene/song in it. I'm in the US though. I dunno how hard it'd be to get overseas.


I've always loved this song!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


To be honest, I hate "Candle on the Water". I think the melody sounds just like every other boring ballad that was floating around in the late 70s, the lyrics are a string of simplistic, meaningless cliches, and Helen Reddy's performance is neither convincing nor moving. The only way anyone could turn this stupid song into a tearjerker would be to twist its meaning to turn it into something more psychologically powerful (the way it happened with "Unchained Melody"). The song, as it stands on its own, has no substance, it's typical Disney crap (which in the 70s was worse than it is now). I'm glad it lost to "You Light Up My Life" (which also sucked, just not quite as much, and also had the whole "human being as source of light" thing going on).


I just rewatched this movie for the first time in I don't know how many years...I didn't think "Candle on the Water" was very impressive. In fact, it sounds to me like a pale imitation of the song "The Morning After" from The Poseidon Adventure.

The Falcon flies


I totally agree! This song was and is so beautiful, that I had to download it for my digital music collection. It runs a very close second to the Mary Poppins' tune "Feed the Birds."


I find the song candle on the water the worst in the film. I didn't like it as a kid as compared to the other songs its slow. I still don't like it now for the same reason. It's a beautiful song but i felt like it didn't fit with the rest of the songs in the film.


It is one of my all-time favorite songs. The message is one I have always longed to hear in real life, that there was someone who was actually going to stand firm and be there for me. And apparently I've always loved Helen Reddy - there's a family story about how my folks went to a Helen Reddy concert a few weeks before I was born, and I was swimming around like crazy through the whole thing. ;) It's a perfect song - the music is beautiful, the message is beautiful, she sings it beautifully, it's just fabulous.


But ''FEED THE BIRDS'' it ain't.


I emphatically agree. I've always adored that song. Extremely under-rated, possibly due to the somewhat quirky title -- casual listeners might not immediately understand what it's referring to.


I was 20 when I saw this film in 1977. I remember the Candle on the Water scene being sung from the lighthouse with the lamp revolving behind Helen Reddy and thinking "what a lovely song and great scene". I caught the film on either TV or cable several years ago to find that scene had been cut from the film and that the song survived only over the credits. What a shame!


I rented the film for my seven year-old Granddaughter. She loved the movie and the song especially, "Candle on the Water." Helen Reddy's voice is so unique and pretty.


Great song, wonderfully performed, great memories!
