MovieChat Forums > Sorcerer (1977) Discussion > Am i the only one who thinks this is an ...

Am i the only one who thinks this is an awful remake?....

Am i the only one who thinks this is an awful remake? The original, Le salaire de la Pleur, has taken over #54 on my top 70 favorite films of all time list, i love that movie, it is near perfect filmmaking. But the remake 'Sorcerer', by William Friedkin, is absolutely terrible. There are so many situations in this film that they shouldve died, but miraculously didnt... The original is filled with nailbiting suspense, and gritty realism. This movie is not realistic at all, it throws logic and basic science out of the window many times...

They stripped 'Sorcerer' from pretty much every good thing the original has.

-The opening 40 minutes of the original is some of the best esthablishing of character, atmosphere, location, setting, and mood in any film ever. and in the remake the opening 40 minutes is an incompetently made, incoherent mess. I had no clue who the 4 characters were going to be, how they ended up in that hell hole of a city and how they ended up in each others truck. That is made clear in the original, not in this *beep* pile however. I had no clue what the point was of the first 40 minutes, it felt completely unnecessary and couldve been scrapped, it didnt establish anything.

-The 4 main characters of the original, are unique and memorabe, Mario, Luigi, Bimba and Mr Jo, i can name them off of the top of my head, from 'Sorcerer', i cant even name 1 character's name, and i just saw the movie. Every character is bland and forgetable

-They completely changed the ending, the ending of the original is one of the most poignant and best endings to a movie ever, and such a PERFECT wrap up, to the story. The ending sums up perfectly what French 50's avan garde filmmaking was, and how nihilistic most french filmmakers were during that time

-In the remake you do not feel any companionship or love, between the characters, they barely interact with each other, in the original they have a bond, which is soo great.

-and above all, 'Sorcerer' is unbearably boring. You would think a remake that came more than 20 years after the original was made, that it would be faster paced, and more exciting. Well, no. The original is one of the best thrillers ever made, 'Sorcerer' is unforgetable crap. I have no clue how Academy Award winner William Friedkin, an absolute master, couldve made this *beep*

Have fun, tearing me apart in the comments

Favorite films of all time list


This is a great film. It's a shame nobody saw it then...
