MovieChat Forums > Sorcerer (1977) Discussion > This movie was boring and plain stupid.

This movie was boring and plain stupid.

Wow, I just watched this and i had hard time even paying attention to it.

The beginning is great, introducing all the characters and the trouble that they get into that they have to leave their homes to escape.

Once the actual truck driving part starts the movie goes way down hill. I have never seen such a tedious, implausible plot in my entire life. I was bored to tears and constantly asking myself, what the hell?

First of all the trucks themselves, they are each transporting a very small load of nitroglycerin in these huge trucks. The whole movie is these trucks like inching there way across perilous terrain. The whole time i am just thinking why the hell don't they just pick the crates up and carry them, it would be faster than this and safer too!

Then the scene where they are clearing the road of the fallen tree. I was like oh my god please don't tell me we have to watch them clear the road, but yep, we have to watch them clear the road. They call this entertainment!?!

I don't know how the hell this movie has a 7+ score. I mean i wasn't around when this came out but i like to think i have an open mind and i enjoy a lot of older movies, but this was almost unbearably boring. I honestly was rooting for the damn trucks to just blow up so the stupid movie could be over, and the characters could die like the dumbasses they were for trying to transport this stuff that way. They were asking to die the whole time, i wish they could've just got on with it...


''They call this entertainment!?!'', synapse256 said. Who call that entertainment synapse256!?!
It's not ''Bad Boys''! Why would you watch this movie to enetrtain yourself?!

P.S. Watch ''The Wages of Fear''. Maybe that will satisfy you. Dig deeper in the times when you wasn't around. Or you can always can back to ''High School Musical 2''.


It's 2013 now, I'm hoping that the OP hasn't reproduced.



You're an idiot.


lol guess i have to watch it to see what the fuss is all about LOL


Sure, it's over rated like most things but stupid is a little harsh. I'd say the lack of character devlopment was the main draw back. Not sure why anyone would agree to do a job like this and maybe knowing more about the guys involved would have helped.


Watched it last night expecting it to be really good based on the IMDB score and plot outline, but it was excruciating. Friedkin is totally overrated and rates his own movies on Amazon. How sad.


This movie was boring and plain stupid. e_mosher_xlarge.jpeg


I don't know how the hell this movie has a 7+ score.
Yeah, you wouldn't. On the other hand, what the *beep* do you know?


I mean i wasn't around when this came out
Yeah, we knew that as soon as reading your title.
but i like to think i have an open mind
And that is the only "reason" you think that, I'm quite sure.


but this was almost unbearably boring
Not as boring as your trolling, and your endless second-rate rehashes of everything better than you, you clueless and empty-headed little diseased ADD-afflicted *beep*.
I honestly was rooting for the damn trucks to just blow up so the stupid movie could be over, and the characters could die like the dumbasses they were
You don't wanna know, exactly, what I think and feel about you and your kind and your parents.
They were asking to die the whole time, i wish they could've just got on with it...
Cut yourself all over again, you little freak.

*ploink!* No more of you, trolling n00blet! Now please tell your mother (if she's there, though I doubt that) to abort you. Then kick her in the ass for spawning an ugly troll like you.


second half is undeniably boring and the premise is just plain silly. C'mon. The guy who dips his hand into the crate has to tip toe out of the hut to flick it off his fingers and even then it goes off. But you can drive a battered old truck several hundred miles over jungle tracks and various dilapidated bridges??

If this was genre'd as a fantasy flick then my disbelief who only be marginally less.


Yeah, okay, boy. Though your complaint is wrong and does not hide your ignorance at all, no, not even a little.

So tell me: When is your next third-rate rehash coming out...? I'm dying to see it fall flat like so many of your feeble dreck vehicles nearly always do. Yeah, I could really, really use yet another good laugh at your abject flunks, waha!

Besides, this film isn't even made for kids anyway! So what have you got to say!? Get back to the Transformer boards! Or would you be a whiny, miserable bitch there too?


Bravo. Such insightful and incisive Film criticism ! Please review some Tarkovsky or Bergman next !!


I thought this was an excellent movie, very entertaining. I don't really understand all the criticism.If you want to be entertained by a film, you should be able to suspend belief at times and just have fun with the movie. This movie wasn't that far fetched. You have four desperate men who will do about anything to better their situations. They are living in some third world jerk water country where all the equipment is old and crappy. I thought Roy Scheider gave an outstanding performance. To me, this movie is a kind of sleeper. A great film that hardly anyone knows about.


"A great film that hardly anyone knows about"
Indeed. I was pleased with handsome 7.7 rating here on IMDb, but was surprised that it only had about 8000 votes!
The movie's amazing, it's thrilling sequences deserves to be seen by more people.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame
