MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Why Obiwan only had 2000 credits? he ha...

Why Obiwan only had 2000 credits? he had 20 years to make a fortune

20 years he should have made a fortune by then.

and yet he barely had 2000 credits to pay Han Solo to get him to Alderran.

that's pathetic.

what was he doing for 2 decades?

why wasn't he preparing for if and when his help might be needed?



writing this as I'm watching the movie.

he didn't even have 2,000. he had to sell Luke's speeder to get the 2000

so he was totally broke.

what a loser


He was pretty much washed up, after the clone wars. He could get Money from his friends on Alderaan, but probably lacked any funds himself.


He should have been using his force powers for gambling and sports betting


The general area looks pretty poor, and water is probably quite expensive (enough that the Lars can make enough money to get by). My guess is any work Obi-Wan may have taken on would not have paid much.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


And my guess is that once Luke was old enough to manifest Force powers, he didn't even take work - lived off the land or off the grid somehow. And he was a wanted man, he could never be around anyone who might recognize him or mention him to an offworlder. So somehow, he had to be there when Luke needed that push into Jedi-dom, that was his whole purpose in going to that hellhole.

No, don't ask me how anyone would live off the land on Tattooine. Force powers might help.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


there were lots of games of chance on Tatooin, like the podrace

he could use his force insight to place a few bets and be set for life.

he doesn't have to live in luxury to attract attention. but he could stash a small fortune somewhere in the desert for the day he might need it


He was hiding. Like Yoda, who 'seemed' to have lost his mind when first introduced to audiences in Empire. I doubt wealth was his concern. Living like a hermit, unshaven and disheveled. Also I don't think Luke even got two thousand for his Speeder but Obi-Wan said 'it's enough' indicating he made up for the difference.


Well we know that he wasnt overly concerned with living in comfort or wealth. The Jedi code probably has rules against using the Force for financial gain, so he could be following those rules still too.

why wasn't he preparing for if and when his help might be needed?

The movie is titled "A New Hope", which implies that there wasnt any hope before Luke showed up and the rebellion gained traction. Obi Wan should have prepared better, but he had spent decades living alone in the desert and likely expected to die like that.


20 years he should have made a fortune by then.

and yet he barely had 2000 credits to pay Han Solo to get him to Alderran.

that's pathetic.

what was he doing for 2 decades?

why wasn't he preparing for if and when his help might be needed?

How much is a credit worth compared to various forms of Earth money like dollars, pounds, yen, marks, francs, lira, etc. etc.?

Did Uncle Owen spend a thousand credits a day for their expenses or one credit a year? How many examples are their in canon of persons buying things for specific amounts of credits and what are those amounts?


theres barely any examples.
I assume luke's speeder is the equivbalent of a teenagers $500 car.
To to sell that and get a ride, nay CHARTER, a spaceship to another solar system is pretty good going!
you wouldnt even get a ticket across the Atlantic in economy class for that!

...although luke does say he could buy his own ship for that .
hmm , so his crappy beat up desert dirt bike is worth as much as a spaceship??
So why didnt he do that instead of buying a "speeder"


Luke said he could buy his own ship for the 10,000 that Han initially stated was the price, they ended up offering 17,000 (2,000 up front and 15,000 once they reach Alderaan).

But yes Obi Wan was broke lol.


ah right , yes i forgot the initial price Han stated

So he wanted 5x what they got for the speeder (which is an old runabout vehicle a dirt poor teenage farmboy pisses around on in the desert)

10k sounds pretty good!


And my guess is that once Luke was old enough to manifest Force powers, he didn't even take work - lived off the land or off the grid somehow. And he was a wanted man, he could never be around anyone who might recognize him or mention him to an offworlder. So somehow, he had to be there when Luke needed that push into Jedi-dom, that was his whole purpose in going to that hellhole.


Obi Wan couldn't get a regular job because of the high risk of being recognized, especially during the first years after his arrival on Tatooine, when he was young and hot.

He thought about whoring himself and work as a male prostitute in the corrupt and dark streets of Mos Eisely, but after getting his first prostate exam, he immediately figured anal sex would lead to the dark side of the force as well.

So instead he decided to take care of himself jerking off four times a day thinking of Padme and how he missed that easy chance of raping her in the battle of Mustafar.

Time fles and next thing you knew, he's like 60 years old, still jerking off and living of crabapples and paddy.


Obi-Wan should have taken out all his credits at the nearby Corusca-ATM before he departed Coruscant... He could have used that money to buy a real ship for Luke later.


Like somebody already said, he was in hiding and was intentionally a hermit. Remember, he was basically a loner of sorts not wanting to call attention to himself in any way at that point in his life.


He probably didn't need much money. His job was to watch over Luke, and lay low from the Empire. I'm sure he made a few trips into Mos Eisley every now and then to get supplies/food, but that wouldn't be very expensive. He also didn't want to bring attention to himself (which is what would happen if he had a ton of credits on him). Hopefully a solo Obi-Wan film will adress this in the future.
