Han Shoots First

I've found my old VHS tape of Star Wars in its original form and it's so much better than the versions that have followed. Sure the picture was grainy but Lucas added nothing with all those dumb extra scenes. Greedo was just getting ready to shoot Han and BAM "sorry about the mess".


Lucas just turned out to be a whore for money


What worked...what didn't.

What worked:

Expanded view of the Sandcrawler moving across the sand.

The expanded view of Mos Eisley and getting to see it on a larger scale.

The improved view of the Millenneum Falcon lifting out of the landing bay and flying off during its departure from Mos Eisley.

The touched up light sabers when Obi Wan and Vader dueled, replacing the faded sabers and in one scene you saw the actual stick Alec had.

The combat footage updates of the X-wings departing the rebel base and attacking the Death Star. Those all looked superb.

What did not work:

The added walking creature the stormtroopers rode as they searched for the droids

The silly creatures in Mos Eisley, the scurrying rat/mice creatures, fighting robots, spooked dinosaur and the jawa swinging from the reigns, the giant creature walking in front of view as their speeder approaches the stormtroopers.

Greedo shooting first or getting off a shot at all.

The creatures mooing and grunting as they enter the cantina.

The changes in dialogue to where they'd add one changed word or one additional word here and there. Pointless.

The entire scene adding Jabba the Hutt...just horrible.

The Death Star exploding having a ring.


Maybe I'm missing something here but with all the debate about who shot first I was watching this scene especially closely. All I saw was one large blast--apparently Han shot Greedo or they both shot at once but Greedo was hit--their shots could even have collided but in any case Greedo's missed Han. I hadn't seen the original in many years but did not notice the huge change I was expecting with Greedo shooting first and Han shooting back only after being shot at. Of course this from the person who had to watch the Zapruder film about 50 times to tell which way Kennedy was falling so perhaps I'm not the best eyewitness.
