MovieChat Forums > Capricorn One (1978) Discussion > Were the moon landings faked?

Were the moon landings faked?

Check out I'm not saying I think this, but if you investigate further then it seems strange. However I think that the American Space program (if true, as it most likely is) is very good and I feel sorry for the Astronauts that pioneered space travel (Russia) and those that first took man to the moon, and all those who lost there livesin search of the stars, when these ideas are suggested.

What are your opinions on these matters?

One cannot be betrayed if one has no people.



There were 3 astronauts using several different German cameras.


Then why are there reflectors and lunar lander parts still up there? Those certainly weren't left by aliens.


How do you know that anything is up there??!!!


I looked at photos, watched a lot of documentaries, read up on all the engineering data involved, looked through several powerful telescopes at the moon's surface, and there is an observatory that checks in on the moon from time to time by sending lasers to exact coordinates of the reflectors, to confirm that they are still there, and these reflectors have not moved in over 50 years. Get over it. The moon landing was real.

You want a conspiracy theory to chew over? Ask why we haven't been back since the last Apollo mission, and why the moon is being passed over for a colony on Mars.


Lasers? Ridiculous! No laser can reach that far. All the photos were fabricated. Stuff that can be seen trough telescopes are optical illusions. It is a well known FACT that Kubrick produced the images. Neill Armstrong himself admitted that he never was on the moon!!


You can believe that all you want, but that won't make it true.

There are lasers strong enough (and not military lasers mind you, just, invisible simple light lasers) to reach the moon if the moon is in the right position in the night sky. It can be proven over and over again that there are reflectors and leftovers of spaceships, brought from earth by American astronauts back in the late 60s/early 70s, and nothing you personally say is gonna change that fact.

I'm sorry you're stupid enough to believe that. Perhaps you also believe the moon is hollow and that we live on a flat earth, but your personal opinion out of millions of people who have witnessed what happened is not gonna change that. Even the Mythbusters proved the moon landing was real, and they never had to leave earth.


Mythbusters? Seriously? It's a well known FACT that the Mythbusters are CIA aGenTs.


They're what? Where did you hear this?


I assume that you are joking.


500+ posts about BS. Well done folks! HEHE
