MovieChat Forums > Capricorn One (1978) Discussion > Not far off from what really happened

Not far off from what really happened

Yes, I don't believe humans ever visited the moon. BUT: I am the first to admit they did if shown undisputable proof, which so far I haven't.

Make up your own mind.



That’s not how proof works.
It is never “indisputable.”

You have it backwards.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and the burden of that proof is on the one making the extraordinary claim. Here that is you claiming all the news stories, press releases, recovered moon rocks, large format high resolution film and photographs taken, and every detailed story told by every astronaut and NASA worker are all fake.

That, and the little problem of a still-flying American flag on the lunar surface, visible right this second, with a high-powered telescope.


There certainly are a lot of justifiable questions about the possibility men going to the moon.

It seemed believable until over 50 years went by and we can barely get to space now.

In that same 50+ years numerous government coverups and lies have been exposed as well.

The subject is certainly worth conversation.


The technology exists. The budgets don't. Everybody complains if the government spends 25 cents on a stick of bubble gum. They damn well don't want to pay to send someone to outer pace.
