MovieChat Forums > Dawn of the Dead Discussion > If you could make one change to the film...

If you could make one change to the film, what would it be? *spoilers*

For me, that's easy. I'd keep Roger in the film for longer. I can tolerate the character being killed off, though I don't like it. I just hate where it happens in the film. I'd have it that Roger gets his leg broken during the moving of the trucks (The zombie latches on, he tells Peter to drive, and the zombie pulls down, busting his leg before letting go. This way, the scenes later where he's in the gardening cart could be left in.)

He could have a bum leg but still assist in the sealing of the mall, then get bitten or killed during the crossfire.

Or Hell, he could survive the whole movie. Either or, but I'd definitely like to keep him in the film until the motorcycle raiders show up.

For the other fans, what's the change you would make, if you could change one aspect of the film?

I love to love my Lisa.


Wow I agree. Kill off flyboy sooner.


The pie scene

I did sixty in five minutes once...


I know there's a lot of appreciation for the blood coloring but I would've preferred the blood to be more realistic. Trivial issue really. Classic horror.


I'd give it the makeup and gore effects that Day of the Dead had.


Ironically, while the gore effects would have been cool, I think it adds to the "Fun" of the film that the zombies and blood look the way they do. I think it would have been a darker film with zombies that looked like those in "Day".

Plus, when we lose some of the protagonists, their make-up is infinitely better than most of the rest of the zombies, so it really makes them pop when they turn from hero to enemy.

I love to love my Lisa.


Good points. The make-up did bother me for a time... the greyish-blue face paint for the zombies, that is (not the gore effects, which, for me, will always be great in a comic book-esque way.) But, you're right: the often basic, simply-applied make-up (which was, undoubtedly, a matter of funding and practicality) does, ultimately, add to the fun of Dawn of the Dead. It also contributes to the picture's unique feel and appearance, and helps to emphasize its more satirical elements (which might be further obscured by ultra-realistic images.)


Pies and goofy bikers. I hate that part, but I've been spoiled with more gritty biker movies/shows a la SOA.


I hear ha on the pie scene, but that was a real motorcycle gang (The Pagans) that Romero hired for the shoot. So while you are enamored by gritty biker movies, Dawn provided the real thing


Roger lives, and during the truck scenes, Peter parks further away so Roger isn't pinned between two vehicles when going truck to truck and Peter runs zombies over while waiting for Roger to get over to him.
Roger lives till the bike gang scene. They start shooting at the gang before they get down the road, the shootout continues while the zombies get in with the gang. Roger gets wounded and caught by the gang, who proceed to throw him to the zombies, then the story continues as seen.


I did not really care for Francine or Stephen. They should have killed off Francine and have Stephen die a much more painful death.


I'd have written it this way: Roger makes it up until the climax, when one of the bikers shoots and mortally wounds him, but not before a dying Roger injures said biker before expiring while talking to Peter. Peter, grief-stricken, loses his composure for once and it is Stephen/Flyboy who has to rein him in. Peter eventually kills Roger's killer and then, carrying his friend's body to the makeshift living quarters, tells Francine to escape with Stephen/Flyboy. As the couple leave, Peter looks at Roger's corpse, saying: "I'm coming, man - I'll be with you soon." He then takes out his pistol and shoots himself in the head, killing himself just as the zombies break in, while the remaining ones take on the biker gang, who then flee from the mall, leaving it open to the undead once more.


You're a Moron! Those two characters are what grounded the movie and kept it real from a human standpoint. They weren't running around like super heroes like Peter and Roger. As viewers we really see everything through Stephen's and Francine's eyes. Regular people thrown into turmoil and impossible situations.




I agree Mr_Blonde3, I would keep Roger alive longer. He would still get bitten during the moving of the trucks, but would be alive up until the biker gang raid. Maybe some of the bikers would take him hostage and he turns while they're not looking, eating them by surprise which allows Peter and Francine to escape.

While this would give less time to show the emotional effect of Roger's death considering the hecticness of the escape, it would be worth it to keep Roger in the movie until the end.


Then you're going against the logic of the movie you MORON. It's noted a few times in the story that once you're bitten you only have a few days. The motorcycle gang doesn't appear until a few months down the road.
