I hate IMDB Scoring

How can over 2000 ppl give this movie the lowest possible score of 1/10 there should be some rule like you can't vote more then+/- 5 of the average score. I can understand someone not likeing the movie but 1 would mean it was just terrible and compeletely unwatchable, if this movie was worth a 1 then where would worse movies end up, because i do believe there most be worse movies, no mather the perspective...


Have you ever been to Turkey you ignoramus? Well, what country are you from?



This is a great movie. Better than Shawshank Redemption or any of the classic prison-escape movies. IMO this is the best one.

The reason it's 'only' rated 7.7 on here is probably because of politics. Some people are so against drugs that they don't feel bad for the guy. But to me, the movie is a lot more realistic than if they'd have made him completely innocent. And of course some people won't like the fact that the Turkish people are portrayed as unsympathetic and scary. But it's just a movie. And in the American prison-movies, many characters are portrayed as bad guys too.


In American movies which "portrays many characters as bad guys" there are also good American guys.

In this movie all Turks are portrayed as "bad guys." All stereotyped. No need to mention that the overal looks of Turkish characters have nothing to do with Turks considering their physical appearance, clothes, attitudes, etc.

Even the police uniforms are ... let's say it's not even a joke!

This movie is not a piece of art but a perfect racist political propaganda.



I think it's a great movie. Part of the reason is because the prison was so creepy. Of course not all Turkish people are mean and scary. We all know that. But it's a movie about being far away from home, alone, in an unusual scary place. So to the main character, probably everyone did seem scary. And that makes it more entertaining for the audience. If there were sympathetic Turkish people at the prison, the movie wouldn't have been as good. It's supposed to be scary and dreadful.

People with intelligence realize that it's a movie. And that not all Turkish people are like that. So instead of dismissing it at racist and saying it's a bad movie, you should view it for what it is. And relax.


"People with intelligence realize" the difference between art and political propaganda.

If you use the names of ethnic groups, religions and countries which actually exist you have to be as correct as possible.

"It's just a movie"!!!!

So what? Movies are legitimate places for racist propaganda?

You make a film or write a book or paint a board or build a building. All art. All performance. Whatever you do racism is racism. "Movie" doesn't mean "you can safely be racist here."

Dehumanizing groups of people has no legitimate ground whereever you go, whatever you do, however you express it.

Screenwriters, directors, producers, and actors of this movie all are racists.



If we made movies like that, they would be very boring.

To say this movie was racist propaganda is inaccurate. A campaign of racist propaganda would be if America made a bunch of movies and advertisements depicting the Turkish people in a negative light. If politicians and everyone repeated this over and over. Like during WWII for instance. To be racist propaganda, it has to be a sustained effort.

One single movie about a terrified person in a strange foreign prison is not racist propaganda. It's a movie. It's entertainment. It does not have to be totally accurate and depict everyone fairly. People with intelligence are not going to draw conclusions about a whole race of people because of one movie.

So like I said, relax.





33000 people gave The Godfather a 1 for Christ sake...there's always a percentage of the population who are useless and shouldn't be alive.


It doesn't bother me really since I know it's a great (at least 8) film.
