How did you discover this movie?

How did you discover this movie?



I was 8 or 9 (yeah that young,) and NBC showed it on as a 25th anniversary special,they had a nice streak of doing that(Rocky and Animal House got showings) and I watched a good deal of it before falling asleep near the end. My folks watched it in the theatre on their first date, hence why the recommended it, I was a major SNL and Blues Brothers fan and I liked Belushi.

I didn't get most of it but I loved the zit scene and the beginning. I bought the late 90's VHS of it and watched all the way through and loved it (it's in bad shape now though.) I need the DVD of it, but I'm glad AMC shows it some.

Good stuff.



LOL at "discovering" Animal House. I was alive when it was playing in theaters. I had seen John Belushi on TV before too!


During the second weekend of its original theatrical release in 1978 in a packed theater . . . and still laughing out loud and smiling every time I watch it on DVD.

If it is what it is, what is it?




I watched it when I was like 10, and I loved it, then I didn't watch it again until I was a teenager and I fell in love with it again. I still watch it every now and then.



Saw it in its theatrical release while I was in college -- wildest movie setting with the biggest laughs I've ever seen. The theater owner looked the other way as far as students bringing alcohol in, so use your imagination!


I was 5 months old when the movie came out. Saw it for the first time around 1998 after buying the VHS tape from a second hand store. I thought it was absolutely hilarious! Nearly 20 years later and watching it again tonight. So funny.


I was finishing my architecture degree at the University of Oregon (where this movie was filmed) in 1978 and saw the film crew and the frat house that was used as Delta house all "decorated". Sadly, the cafeteria where the food fight was filmed (know as The Fishbowl) has been closed for remodeling. Lots of the other buildings are still there though. Belushi was at his height on SNL so everyone had to see the film when it came out.


As others have pointed out, if you were old enough to be self-aware in 1978 and were not stranded on a desert island, you wouldn't have needed to "discover" it. This movie and John Belushi were pop culture phenomena... in an age when there were no cell phones to distract us.
