Missed Opportunity

Watched this a few days ago. Got excited with some anticipation at the scene where Betsy and Laura (the two camp counselors) are sitting by the river at night. Perfect skinny dipping opportunity. And it was set up like they were about to, one starts to take off her top, and BAM, here's the asshole counselor Mr. Dumont, who interrupts and stops it.

They really missed an opportunity to add a nice scene there. Too bad...


I think one of them even showed a little bit of boob before stopping.


This entrie film is a bit of a dicktease. During the commotion later on with the piranhas attacking people there are several fast cut topless scenes. Even the flash mid way through the film is a blink and you'll miss it situation.

Don't get me wrong I love this film but if they let the nude scenes linger for a few seconds it would be even better.
