MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Turning the Earth backward

Turning the Earth backward

or whatever the hell he did to bring Lois back--can we finally admit that was one of the dumbest endings to a movie ever?


No it isn't. Superman traveled back in time, not turned the earth backward.


From what I recall, he did reverse the rotation of the earth, doing a rewind on time. I think there were scenes where the avalanche reversed itself. If that's how time travel works it's the only time I've seen it done that way. I agree with the OP, it was silly.


Yeah, but this wasn't supposed to be Shakespeare.

Reversing time is silly, but not a guy from outer space flying around in a red cape? LOL


No, no, no.

This has been discussed to death. By tradition and from the comics, to travel in time Superman flies in a circle. Flying clockwise sends him to the future. Flying counter clockwise sends him back in time, and this is the method the movie chose to adapt, just as it adapts other elements of the Superman mythology. Yes, it is completely arbitrary, though exceeding the speed of light is a common trope to achieve time travel.

We are watching Him travel back in time. From our perspective, everything will appear to run in reverse; Dams reassemble, cracks fill up and so forth. And the earth appears to rotate backwards. It isn't. It is merely a trick of perspective.

Now, whether you think time travel was the way to go is a legitimate argument. But this bizarre notion that he makes the earth rotate backwards is simply not accurate to the movie.


Thank you, my ignorance preceded me. I hadn't realized that was part of the mythology.


Thanks for this explanation. I have been wondering this a lot, and every time I rewatch, it comes up again. Thanks.


It never bothered me at all.


You didn't understand the movie so you can shut up and go away now.


I was fine with it although I may have "misunderstood" it to be portraying time running in reverse, not like @Costumer has suggested.


As dumb as it might be I am glad Donner didn't get his way with this ending with him getting both missiles and freeing Zod, Ursa, and Nom in space. And then end the 2nd movie with him time traveling because he doesn't want to face the consequences of choosing Lois over the world.

Say what you will about the memory erasing kiss but he still goes and apologizes to the president on behalf of the American people. But Donner wanted him time traveling in the 2nd one and making it so the entire movie didn't even really happen. That's worse.


I second this. The Donner Cut of Superman II was cool, but I hated that they used the time traveling ending yet again when that was always my least favorite part of the first film.


The Earth didn't turn backwards. It was meant to show it's relative motion to him flying.
