
pjl69 (2448)


ALOPC ? Pet Sematary (1989) vs Pet Sematary (2019) When this one flops... A poor man's Se7en ripoff Adam Driver? We have a blu-ray/4K UHD release date! A full blown comedy 50th anniversary next year Looks like Hannibal Lecter Schwarzenegger of the 60's View all posts >


I'm sure he has better things to do. Yeah, people tend to grow old. You should check out Nekromantik next with your family... LOL. Enjoy! RIP. Goodbye and thanks for the movies. The Fall of the House of Usher was one of the scariest movies I saw as a kid. Too bad he didn't quite reach the big 100. So close. Digital filming... that's the problem with movies nowadays. Maybe we need an old school filmmaker. Yeah, seems like Max von Sydow who played mostly old guys for his whole career. I don't care how he looks, though, because he works behind the camera after all. I wish him a long life. Love many of his movies (Halloween, Prince of Darkness, The Thing, Christine, Starman, etc...) Who gives a shit. Yeah, true. Yeah, because the alternative versions are usually an option and the original works aren't erased from existence like Star Wars trilogy. Sure, someone like Chaplin revisited his works later on, but Lucas ain't Chaplin kind of genius. Hell, he didn't even direct The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. View all replies >