MovieChat Forums > Mad Max (1980) Discussion > Hated this film, incredibly boring.

Hated this film, incredibly boring.

Just watched it for the first time, really surprised it was so bad. I don't think I've ever seen such a famous film before or a cult classic that I didn't understand how it became so successful, even if I didn't like it. I also watched Death Wish for the first time last week which is even older than this film, but was FAR better.

The quality was obviously bad, worse than a B movie, worse than a TV movie, more like a high school drama class performing a little show. Some horrible acting, some terrible dialogue, etc. But I can look past all that because it was a low budget film, so was Death Wish. What I can't look past is such a crappy story. It gave no explanation of what the setting is and why, who are all the good people and why are they driving along those same dangerous roads all the time, who are all the bad guys and why are they like that, and how have they survived so long, and why are there no real cops? It doesn't explain anything, and it doesn't even do a good job of showing it either. It doesn't even look like a broken down society, it just looks out in the sticks. But even all that I can look past too.

But the story... It's just so weak. Guy is substitute cop, bad guys everywhere, guy wants to quit, partner and wife get killed, guy goes back for one last bit of revenge. It is like day 1 at writing a story, but it doesn't even do a good job of filling in the gaps. That's what I hated the most about this film, there was nothing of value in between. There is a bit of hoodlum shenanigans at the start and a bit in the middle, the only memorable moment for me was the bit at the house near the beach but it took an hour and 10 minutes to reach that point. Then the finale was pathetic and completely unsatisfying. Hate everything about it, weak.

The only thing I can say for it is that it was probably less cliqued when it was made. It was before Maverick & Goose and million other movies about revenge or overcoming the loss of a close friend/partner/spouse. But still, it was 6 years AFTER Death Wish and even that movie wasn't the first of its kind. I can understand a small number of people enjoying it after seeing it around 79, but I am amazed it became a series and such a famous hit.


i can see why some think its boring i found it boring - i stink think the sequels with the insane illogical crap are boring but if you have a few drinks when you watch it , so many movies are so much better plus turn the volume up and watch on a BIG widescreen TV set. then many movies get good.
or watch with a big popcorn and soda

check yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


Such a great movie, simple plot, little exposition some truly great vehicle stunts and some quirky performances. I still love the dialogue in this flick, "Hey mistah, what happened to the car?" "What do you think happened?" "Looks like it was chewed up and spat out." "Maybe it was the result of anxiety.' "This is Condellini. And Condellini wants his hand back." "He's in a coma man!" But every one has their own particular tastes and this one is definitely not one that will appeal to a mass audience especially not today where quick cuts dramatic sweeping music massive cgi special effects and plots and storylines where every detail has to be explained.

"Sorry I'm late guys. I was taking a crap."
Paul Newman


They say opinions are like A holes. And yours stinks.

I'm with Quentin Tarantino. This is a great movie.

The only fair criticisms can be directly attributed to budget constraints. And they don't detract from the movie unless you want them to.


I'm with Quentin Tarantino. This is a great movie.

I agree; if one wants to see a truly boring film, watch Hereafter with Matt Damon...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The tsunami was good in the first 20 mins, then zzzzz. LOL

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


You could tell the budget limitations really hindered the 2nd half of the movie. I was enjoying the intro just throwing us into their lives and letting it unfold. But then it really starts showing it's age and small budget, especially during the last act. It just kind of goes along at a slow pace until it ends, the action doesn't really pick up at any point. He just kind of finds them and kills them, with no flair. The beginning is actually more entertaining and exciting if anything, which really doesn't make sense.

I found myself not caring if he got the bad guys at the end, which is never a good sign. I think it's more of an impressive achievement for an indie film, for it's time, for it's budget, and for the fact that opened the door for other Australian films to become released. I like that it had it's own distinct style, I just wish the ending had some better writing.

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


Agreed. I have a feeling that this is one of those movies that didn't age well. Those who saw it in '79 and 80's have fond memories of it. Today, it's hard to appreciate it or make sense of it.


I first saw Mad Max in the early 2000s and it's my favourite of the series.


it's hard to appreciate it or make sense of it.
Yeah, I guess, if you're stupid, ya know.



what has death wish got do with mad max.
one is urban
and the other is dystopian.

this movie is the only true pure mad max. we didnt need sequels
which were all alike


we didn't need sequels

Not after The Road Warrior we didn't.

which were all alike

Mad Max and The Road Warrior were nothing alike.


Sequels were .
Very interchangeable


Miller recycled most of his successful ideas in Thunderdome and Fury Road, so that is probably why they seem alike.

Road Warrior, however, doesn't really belong in that mediocre trash bin of self plagiarism.

First Mad Max is like an origin story. Max becomes 'mad' only at the very and which implied much more action, and more open and brutal one since there is no more law to hold him back. The stage was perfectly set for what happened in Road Warrior.

Other movies were superfluous cash grabs. It is very obvious.


Just watched it for the first time, really surprised it was so bad. I don't think I've ever seen such a famous film before or a cult classic that I didn't understand how it became so successful, even if I didn't like it. I also watched Death Wish for the first time last week which is even older than this film, but was FAR better.

The quality was obviously bad, worse than a B movie, worse than a TV movie, more like a high school drama class performing a little show. Some horrible acting, some terrible dialogue, etc. But I can look past all that because it was a low budget film, so was Death Wish. What I can't look past is such a crappy story. It gave no explanation of what the setting is and why, who are all the good people and why are they driving along those same dangerous roads all the time, who are all the bad guys and why are they like that, and how have they survived so long, and why are there no real cops? It doesn't explain anything, and it doesn't even do a good job of showing it either. It doesn't even look like a broken down society, it just looks out in the sticks. But even all that I can look past too.

But the story... It's just so weak. Guy is substitute cop, bad guys everywhere, guy wants to quit, partner and wife get killed, guy goes back for one last bit of revenge. It is like day 1 at writing a story, but it doesn't even do a good job of filling in the gaps. That's what I hated the most about this film, there was nothing of value in between. There is a bit of hoodlum shenanigans at the start and a bit in the middle, the only memorable moment for me was the bit at the house near the beach but it took an hour and 10 minutes to reach that point. Then the finale was pathetic and completely unsatisfying. Hate everything about it, weak.

The only thing I can say for it is that it was probably less cliqued when it was made. It was before Maverick & Goose and million other movies about revenge or overcoming the loss of a close friend/partner/spouse. But still, it was 6 years AFTER Death Wish and even that movie wasn't the first of its kind. I can understand a small number of people enjoying it after seeing it around 79, but I am amazed it became a series and such a famous hit.

Yes I agree with you on this one, loved the movie as a kid when I didnt have any understanding of realism and couldnt make out all the crap in this so called art movie...but today as an adult I didnt like it at all...its not boring for me but it lacks everything, it got nothing except Mel Gibson who actually was a good actor right from the start but the rest of the movie sucks and the script is a big joke and some scenes and events in the movie is just plain laughable bad...its such a weak movie, even the horrible Beyond thunderdome is better today which I loved even more as kid, but only good max movie is the second one, its alittle over the top yes but it got a simple but solid script and not alot of lame *beep* scnenes where he can shoot 500 yards with a sawn off shotgun or a scene where a mother is so stupid that she runs in the middle of the road when chased by some MC lame gang...maybe this could be better today if it was remade properly but I for one cant understand how this could be a cult classic either...its such a weak movie in every possible way...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


Boring?! It's the best film in the series!
